HCA 13/72 f.309r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 309 |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4945.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/11/07 |
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the first day of december 1652 the sayd shipp hercules being in her
course for the downes the weather proved very thick and foggie, by
which meanes the hercules happened to come neere the dutch ffleete
of warr which then lay neere dunge Nesse, And the sayd Captaine
Browne perceiving what danger the foggie weather had brought him
into, and that hee was neere the Enymyes ffleet, endeavoured to have avoided
them, and in order thereto sprunge his luffe thereby to gett the weather
gage of the enymyes ffleete, and sayd to his Company that if it were
possible hee would weather the Eastward point of the Nesse and gett
under Sangate Castle to secure his sayd shipp, and divers of the
Enymies fleete endeavouring to hinde the hercules from gaineing the
weather gage, the sayd Captaine Browne was forced to engage
with part of the ffleete and thereupon this deponent according to
the sayd Captaines order went downe into the powder roome to fill and
deliver out powder for the engagement, and came noe more above deck
untill such tyme as the sayd shipp hercules was accidentally runne on
ground about a rayle from shoare neere
the Light house upon dunge Nesse, This hee deposeth of his knowledge
being steward of and aboard the hercules And further to these articles hee
cannot depose./
To the 4th 5th 6th 7th and 8th articles hee saith that notwithstanding
the sayd hercules was soe accidentally runne a ground, the sayd
Captaine Browne did command and require his Company in
generall to keepe aboard the sayd shipp hercules and plye their
gunnes and defende her against the enymye soe longe as possible
might bee, and when they could defende her noe longer then to fyre her
or boare holes in her to sinke her that the enymy might not [XXXX]
her, and the sayd Captaine observing that the arlate Tobert Spanton
William Miller William Stone William Johnson Richard Swallow William
Chayre Peter Smithing William Burt Robert Everard Martin Co[?x]man
Paule Bayley Thomas Bumpstead Thomas Mercer John Price Mathew
Killman Edward Clayre Allen Staples Edward Kitchen Samuell Maior
John Rowland Peter Jordaine Richard Andrews John Barker Stephen
Binckfeild Jeremy head Thomas Abs Richard Greene Thomas Knutt
Thomas Peate John Browne John Medler Phillip Tracye Robert
Catlyn William Williamson John Sage Robert Pick Edward Throgood
Michaell Lawson George Breame Stephen Earle William Stokes Michaell
hall Ralphe Coller John dickson William Stillwood Edward
Barker Robert Salmon and Thomas Arrington notwithstanding such
his Commands were gotten into the shipps longe boate intending to goe away with
it and deserte the shipp did in presence and hearing of this deponent and his contest John
Other places of interest:
Dungnesse lighthouse