HCA 13/72 f.302v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 302 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/11/07 |
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foregoing deposition hee cannot now particularly answere/
To the 2 hee saith that hee that is an able mariner though hee
have not made a voyage to either the Canaries or Barbados [and GUTTER]
easily by helpe of his instruments and platts or sea Cards and
other helpes bearing knowledge of the latitude of the place sayle [a GUTTER]
shipp thither, and saith hee is noe way related to the sayd Jones or
Read or any of the Owners of the shipp Interrogate otherwise than
that hee went in her the voyage in question in the qualities before
mentioned And further hee cannot answere./
To the 3 Interrogatorie hee saith the sayd shipp was from three and twentith
to the twenty nynth day of April 1657 passing from Garacheeco to Santa
Cruce in the Island of Palma and saith Garacheeco and Santa Cruce lye
opposite one to an other and about eighteene leagues distant, And
saith that through the ignorance of the foresayd Gyles bayley who
was pylott and mate of the shipp and told the sayd Jones that
hee the sayd Bayley had bin formerly at Santa Cruce and could carrie her
thither safe and well, there were three or fower dayes spent more
then needed in the passage thither the sayd bayley sayling round a good part of the Island
of Palma which hee needed not to have done, and the sayd Jones
seeing and observing his ignoarance, thereupon tooke the ordering of the
shipps course him selfe and soe brought her safe into the roade of
Santa Cruce And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot
To the 4th Interrogatorie hee saith there were in all seaventy eight pipes
of wyne laden aboard the sayd shipp at Palma, whereof one had
noe marke at all, and the rest were marked [?some] of them with
the one of the markes Interrogate and the rest with the other, which
markes were as in the Margent and saith this deponent being a dutch
man did in respect of the difference betwixt England and Spaine act
as master on shoare in the Canaries and did signe bills for the sayd
seaventy eight pipes of wines as belonging to John Aveeles of Amsterdam
and saith the bill of ladeing Interrogate, and the postscript to the same
was and is signed with this deponents owne hand writing And further
to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere/
To the 5th Interrogatorie hee saith that the Interrogate da Monteoi[X]do did
as hee told this deponent intende to have sent six pipes of
wine more aboard the sayd Golden ffortune, but for whose Account
they should have bin hee this deponent knoweth not, And saith that there being a
Spanish weighter aboard and hee one day seeing
a servant of Mr Cowses that was aboard come upon the deck and perceive
him by his habit to bee noe Mariner and conceiving him to bee an
English man had thereupon discovered the shipp to be English but
that Jones the Master gave him some gratuities and soe the said waiter