HCA 13/72 f.301v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 301 |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4930.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet, 07/011/13 | |
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2013/11/07 |
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open the shipps cuttle and imbezelling the wyne, as in deed
they did, And saith the sayd Gyles Bayley when the shipp came to
the Barbadoes having purloyned and stolne a runlett of wyne
of about tenn gallons carried it on shoare at the Barbadoes to [?sell GUTTER]
and was apprehended selling the same, by some excize men
belonging to the Island for offering the same to sale it not being
entered in the Excise office and the sayd Bayley being reproved by
the foresayd Jones the Master for such his pilfering and debauch[?ed GUTTER]
behaviour the sayd Bayley kept ashoare and came not aboard afterwards to help
to deliver her outward Cargo brought to the Barbados, or to take in
her homewards ladeing, but laye ideleing ashoare till the
very day that the sayd shipp was ready to sett sayle thence And
then came aboard
And the sayd Aron ffranck alsoe kept divers dayes there idleing on shoare soe that his master was forced to hyre other
men to helpe to lade the sayd
shipps homeward ladeing [LH MARGIN]
and in the homewards voyage the sayd Bayley
and ffrancke continueing their disolute carriage and behaviour did
breake open some hogsheads and butts of sugar and pilfered and stole sugar
out of them and were taken soe doeing and the sayd Aron ffrancke
in the shipps homeward voyage from the Barbados being one
morning at the helme steereing, and steereing her carelessly, and
illfavouredly, the sayd Jones the Master found fault with him for his
carelessenes in steereing, and told him hee would make him steere
better or else hee would drubb his Coate or to that effect whereupon
the sayd Aron ffranke, in presence of this deponent and the sayd Bayly
and others who were then upon the watch, told the sayd Master that if
hee struck him the sayd ffranck hee would shew him a dutch trick
and therewithall put his hand in his pockett and pulled out his knife
which the Master perceiving him to bee about to doe stopped into his
Cabbin and fetcht out his Curtilase, and returned and told the
sayd ffranck hee would shew him an English trick and thereupon
called to the shipps company to lay hold of the sayd ffranck and
binde him but they not obeying command the sayd ffranck ran
away and gott up into the fore topp, and kept out of the masters
sight for a day, and the next tyme the Master had
and oportunitie hee himselfe layed hands on the sayd ffrancke and
caused him to be bound, but after an hower or two some of the
Company lett him loose, after which the sayd ffrancke sayd hee
hoped the dunkirkers would meete with the sayd shipp Golden
ffortune which if they did then hee would bee revenged of the
Master for bindeing him, and if they did not hee sayd thatin
London hee should finde an oportunitie to bee revenged on him
and this hee spake severall tymes before this deponent and divers others
of the shipps company And further to this article hee cannot depose/
To the 12th hee saith that since the sayd Bayley and ffranck their coming
home they have in company of this deponent and others of the sayd
shipps Company who wer ashoare with them sayd and declared
that they would both of them doe the sayd Jones the Master all the
mischeife they could, and that they would bee revenged of him or
words to that effect And further hee cannoot depose