HCA 13/72 f.288v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 288 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4904.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/09/17 |
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To the 6th and seaventh articles of the sayd allegation hee saith hee knoweth
that it was neere about three moneths after the seizure of the sayd shipp
at Bilboa ere she was discharged upon Caution, and her dischardge
from Bilboa dead freighted for that noe person would adventure to lade
goods aboard her for feare some other seizure or Incumberance might
fall upon her by which meanes the sayd shipp lost the tonnage of forty
tonnes of Iron the transportation of every tonne whereof from Bilboa
to Topsham was in this deponents Judgment then well worth twenty
shillings sterling per tonne, and the Owners of the sayd shipp were
thereby damnified to the summe of forty pounds sterling or thereabouts in
this deponents Judgment And further to these articles hee cannot depose
for that hee not being in England the tyme arlate knoweth not what [XXX GUTTER]
Iron would have yeilded at Topsham the tyme arlate nor what
losse the arlate Pitt and Marshall susteyned in the price thereof
To the 8th hee saith that after the sayd shipp was upon Caution dischar[dged GUTTER]
the new victualing of her cost this deponent and others the factors of the
sayd Pitt and Company fifteene pounds sterling, and the new rigging
and furnishing of her about fifteene pounds more like money And the advance
money for mariners wages and of those Mariners that attended upon
her during the seizure and of others who were sent from England to
carry her home did amount unto thirty pounds or thereabouts like
money all which severall summes the sayd Pitt and Company might
have saved if the seizure aforesayd had not happened And further
to this article hee cannot depose./
To the 9th hee saith that in his this deponents Judgment the sayd Pitt
and Company Owners of the sayd shipp were damnified at least
Twenty pounds sterling by the sayd shipps want of imployment
during the three months shee lay under seizure And further hee
cannot depose.
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee was at Portugalott the same day
the shipp the Guift of Topsham was there seize but went thence to Bilboa
which is about two leagues distant about an hower before her seizure and
came downe afterwards to Portugalott and saw her under seizure
And further saving his forfoeing and subsequent deposition hee cannot more particularly
answere to this Interrogatorie./
To the 2 and 3 Interrogatories hee saith that all the Iron aforesayd was laden
aboard the sayd shipp about tenn dayes before her seizure
and was aboard at her seizure, and soe continued til it was recovered
by suite of lawe and then this deponent and the other ffactors who laded
the same caused the same to be taken out of the sayd shipp and brought
ashoare and tooke it into their owne custody And further
saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot more particularly
answere to these Interrogatories./
To the 4th and 5th Interrogatories hee saith that about sixe weekes after
the seizure of the sayd shipp and Iron the Iron was cleered by sentence
of the Araled of Portugalot And further or more particularly then in his
foregoeing deposition are declared hee cannot answere saving hee saith that
by sentence of the Councell of Madrid three quarter parts of the sayd
shipp belonging to the sayd Pitt and Company were cleered and only one
quarter part condemned (which as by p[?r]oofe, appeared belonged to William May