HCA 13/72 f.284v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 284 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/10/01 |
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a voyage from Lisbone to the Brazeele and cannot further answere to this
To the 4th hee saith that the Masters and Companyes of English shipps tradeing
to Brazeele have their wages over and above the Average and knoweth of noe
Company that went upon other termes that voyage./
To the 5th hee cannot answere knowing nothing thereof
To the 6th hee saith that though the Master bee at Lisbon and none of the
Owners or any of them present to drive the bargaine about the freight
of a shipp from thence for a Brazeele voyage, yet it is not in the masters
power to make his Average equall with the freight but the Average is
still much lesse then the freight and the higher they can advance their freight
the greater the Average is and the lesse the freight is the lesse the Average is
And further hee cannot depose/.
To the last saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere/
The sayd Richard Peachie to the allegation given
in on the behalfe of the sayd dobins the fifteenth of
ffebruary 1657./
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee being
and attendant and servant to the arlate Joseph dobins in his Cabbin in the
Peter aforesayd the voyage in question, thereby knoweth that the sayd dobins
was the whole factor and Agent aboard the sayd shipp as well to procure
her Imployment from Lisbon to the Brazeele as to sayle her, and
did without the helpe of her Owners procure her freight from Lisbon
to the Brazeele and back againe, and entered securitie for the sayd voyage
in a great summe of money (it being the custome soe to doe and
it being very preiudiciall to the Owners not to enter security) for
hee knoweth that one Mr hardedge master of an English
shipp goeing the sayd voyage to Brazeele and not entering security
as aforesayd at Lisbone for performance of his sayd voyage had
at Brazeele the greatest part of his shipps Company turned out of
his shipp at Brazeele by the officers of the King of Portugall and
souldiers and Portugall mariners put aboard
her who came in her to Lisbon upon pretence to secure
the Kings Customes and that the English might not runne away
with the goods laden in Brazeele, And hee this deponent knoweth
that the sayd dobbins about the procuring his sayd Imployment from
Lisbon to Brazeele and procuring sureties for her sayd
voyage and delivering out and receaving in his ladeing at Brazeele
did spend many weekes and moneths and much money noe English
shipps having gone that voyage to Brazeele in many yeares before
the sayd dobins went thither the voyage in question And further to this article
hee cannot depose./
To the 2 hee saith that hee knoweth that in voyages to Biscay and other
parts hee this deponents as Purser hath bin allowed for negotiating
the shipps businesse ashoare under the Master seaven royalls and a halfe
plate which is within three pence of a peece of eight a day, and hath knowne