HCA 13/72 f.283v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.283v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


seene the sayd dobbins his Accompt for the sayd voyage to Brazeele
remembreth that there is sett downe therein only six pounds
tenn shillings a moneth for his the sayd dobbins and his Cabbin
boyes wages that voyage, And further to this Interrogatorie hee
cannot answere not knowing nor having heard how much the
sayd Dobbins his Average did amount unto that voyage

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/



The 27th of Aprill 1658

Examined on the sayd allegation given in the 29th of
Aprill 1656 on behalfe of the sayd dobbins./


Richard Peachie of Redriff in the County of Surrey
Mariner aged twenty sixe yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee hath bin a mariner
and imployed in sea affayres some tymes as Masters mate and sometymes as
Coxen of shipps from London and dover to severall
places within and without the streights and thereby knoweth that for flanders
goods carried from Dover to Lisbone there hath bin usually allowed by the
Laders or freighters of shipps to the Master and Company of them under
the names of primage and average besides the freight a ryall upon
every duckett freight And saith that hee well knoweth that upon all
voyages there is an allowance paid by the ffreighters by the tytles of
primage and Average to some places more and some places lesse according
to the nature of the voyage and quality of the goods laden And further saving his subbsequent deposition hee cannot depose.

To the 2 and 3 articles of the sayd allegation hee saith hee was one of
the Company of the Peter (whereof Joseph dobins was Commander( the
voyage in question and saith hee veruily beleeveth that in her voyage to the
Brazeele by reason of the intemperature of the Clymate there whereby
the lives of those that goe that voyage are much endangered as alsoe for
that they are obliged to fight the hollander (who is the Enemie of
The Portugalls) if they meete with them
there is more then ordinary allowance made to the Masters
and Companyes of shipps by way of Average over and beside the freight
expressed in Charterparty Which Average hee saith in that and all other
voyages doth belong to the Master and Company of the shipp and not to