HCA 13/72 f.282v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 282 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/10/01 |
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his Average in Brazeele voyages as good and as much as the freight
for that the owners have usually extraordinary freight for such voyages
And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose/
To the 7th hee saith that hee was at Lisbone at the tyme when the
foresayd Nye Talam and Wills proceeded on their voyage from Lisbon to the
Brazeele and alsoe William Ell and Thomas Bell in the fifth article of the
sayd allegation mentioned went their voyage from Lisbone to
Brazeele but sawe not their contracts for the sayd voyage And further
to this Interrogatorie hee cannot depose/
The sayd Roger Paxton to the allegation given
in on the behalfe of the sayd dobbins the fifteenth
of ffebruary 1657
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent goeing Boate=
swaine of the shipp Peter (whereof the arlate Joseph dobbins was Master
the voyage in question knoweth that the sayd dobbins was whole
factor or Agent aboard the sayd shipp the sayd voyage, as well to procure
her imployment as to sayle her, and did as hee beleeveth without any helpe
of the Owners of her procure the freight of her from Lisbone to the
Brazeele and back againe, and enter securitie by him selfe and other goods sureties in a very considerable some for the true
performance of the sayd voyage, without which assurance given (hee
verily beleeveth the sayd employment could not have bin procured, it
being then usuall (as this deponent there heard, and beleeveth) for the
Portugueses at Lisbone to take security for the returne of say[d] shipps
as they imployed to goe thence to the Brazeele, And hee this deponent
being Boatswaine as aforesayd knoweth that the sayd dobbins was necessitated to spend many dayes and weekes on shoare to procure
the sayd imployment and sureties for the same, and could not choose
as this deponent beleeveth but bee at extraordinary expence of
money about effecting the same and alsoe at the Brazeele in
delivering out and receaving in of his ladeing to bee delivered at Lisbon the sayd voyage
And likewise in procuring a freight for the sayd shipp from Lisbon to London And further to this article hee cannot depose/
To the 2 article hee saith that hee knoweth that it is a frequent custome
in voyages to most places, that Masters of shipps who take upon
them to negotiate the shipps businesse on shoare are allowed
by the Owners of the shipp a peece of eight at least a day beside
the primage and Average, And hee hath knowne a Purser of an
shipp upon a voyage to Biscay in the dominions of the King
of Spaine bin allowed by the Owners a peece of eight a day for
negotiating the shipps businesse a shoare there, beside what was
allowed to the Master who caused him to negotiate the same, And
hee saith that hee this deponent being Boatswaine as aforesayd knoweth
that the sayd dobins the Master did spend on shoare at Lisbon in procuring
the sayd Imploment and on shoare at the Brazeele about the procuring
of her Lading back for Lisbone and on shoare at Lisbon at his
returne thither for procuring satisfaction for his freight and procuring and Imployment for the said shipp home from Lisbon to London