HCA 13/72 f.279v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.279v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


John Garner or Garnett, (soe commonly declared to be by him
the said Commander and his Companie) by whom the said shipp Charity
and her Lading were brought to Alfordnesse upon the Coast of [?this GUTTER]
Commonwealth of England, the said Captaine or Commander predeposed
and showing to this examinate a paper writing which hee declaration (sic)
affirmed to be a Commission or Letter of Reprizall graunted unto him by
or in the name of the king of Sweden against the king of denmarke and his Subjects, or
to that or the like effect. More to this Interrogatorie hee saith not/.

To the sixth Interrogatorie hee saith, That the said Captaine or Commander
(by and under the name of Captaine Garner or Garnett as aforesaid
at the time of the surprizall and seizure aforesaid, did violently and
forcibly sett or putt on board the said shipp Charity eleaven men
besides himselfe, and kept this examinate and Companie under [XXXX GUTTER]
threatening with pistolls ready charged and cocked and Cutlases ready
drawne to kill or destroy this deponent and Company if they [XXXX GUTTER]
or made any manner of Commotion or Complaint, or used words and
expressions to that or the Like effect, as this rendent saith hee hath
too sadd an occasion to remember. More to this Interrogatorie hee saith not/

To the seaventh Interrogatorie hee saith, That about three or fower daies after
the said surprizall and seizure the said Captaine and Companie who
made the said seizure did sett fower of this deponents said shipps Companie
on shoare at Alfordnesse aforesaid, and carried this deponent and [?his GUTTER]
Steeresman and a boy in the said shipp to a place called Cromer,
at which place they the said seizors sett this examinate and his boy
on shoare, and carried the said Steeresman away with them in the
said shipp, And this deponent further saith, That during such this
deponents restraint in and on board the said shipp Charity, the said seizors
toke out of the said shipp one hogshead and one barrell of strong
beare, and all or most part of the said shipps Victualls and provisions
but in regard of such this deponents said restraints hee saith hee
had not the oportunity to make an exact and particulair observation
of such the said shipps Lading as was imbeazeled and taken away by the
said seizors More to this Interrogatorie hee saith not./:-

To the last Interrogatorie hee saith, That hee this examinate doeth not
knowe nor can conceive how or where the said seizors did bring or
dispose of the said shipp and Lading after such time as they did
soe sett this deponent and his boy on land at Cromer aforesaid
More to this Interrogatorie hee saith not ./:-

To the Interrogatories in the second place ministred
on the behalf of the said John Shorter:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith, That as to the quantitie and
qualities of the said shipps Lading hee referreth himselfe to [?his GUTTER]
precedent deposition to the third of the precedent Interrogatories
(and [as GUTTER]