HCA 13/72 f.274r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 274 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/09/24 |
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The 29th day of March .1658:/
A businesse of Examination of Wittnesses (for the
perpetuall memory of the matter) upon Interrogatories)
ministred on the part and behalf of John)
Shorter concerning a certaine shipp called the)
Charity and the goods by him laden on)
board her./ ffrancklin.)
Rp. jus
Salomon Valmussen of Stockholme
in Sweden Mariner aged three
and twenty yeares or thereabouts
sworne before the right Worshipfull
John Godolphin doctor of Lawes
one of the Judges of the high Court
of Admiralty of England saith and
deposeth as followeth, to witt
To the first of the said Interrogatories hee saith, That hee this deponent doeth
well knowe the shipp the Charitie of London whereof Paul
Backman interrate was Master, for that hee this examinate was
in or about the middle of January last past at Berghen in Norway
entertained by the said Master to serve in and aboard the said
shipp as shipps Carpenter thereof in her late voiage from the said
place of Berghen to this Port of London, which Voiage this
examinate in the quality aforesaid accordingly performed, and served in the
said shipp by the space of betweene seaven weekes and two monethes
or thereabouts, and saith that to the best of his this rendents Judgment
the said shipp Charity was and is of the burthen of fortie lasts
or forescore tunns, or thereabouts, And further to this Interrogatorie
hee saith not./
To the second Interrogatorie hee saith, That hee this examinate during
such time as hee served in and onboard the said shipp in the
quality aforesaid did constantly and credibly heare, and did and
doeth verily beleeve, That John Shorter an Englishman and a
Subject of this Commonwealth of England and for and as such
commonly reputed and taken was and is the Lawfull Owner
and Proprietor of the said shipp the Charity, and of her tackle
apparrell and furniture, and for and as such commonly accompted
both by and amongst the said shipps Company in and during the said
Voiage, and also in an at the said Port of Berghen in Norway
where the said shipp was by the said John Shorter his Agent
or ffactor at that place bought and provided for the use and accompt
of him the said John Shorter about seaven weekes before the said
shipp proceeded upon her said voiage from Berghen
to this Port of London, upon which voiage the said shipp, as this examinate
hath also constantly and credibly heard and verily beleeveth, was by the said
John Shorter, his agent or ffactor at Berghen in the name and to
the behoofe of him the said John Shorter sett out and fitted and
furnished to sea at the proper Costs of him the said John Shorter
More to this Interrogatorie hee saith hee cannot depose, saving, That
about three weekes and a halfe since (the time hee otherwise
remembreth not the said shipp was by or on the behalfe of the said
John Shorter and at his owne Costs, (as this deponent hath alsoe credibly
heard and verily beleeveth) fitted and furnished to sea upon
a Voiage to be performed from this Port of London to the said