HCA 13/72 f.269r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.269r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


with her and the way out being narrow the sayd shipp William and Anne
was by some other shipps in her company thrust and forced upon a Rock
whereby (as soone after was discovered) shee became very leakie, but such her
Leakinesse was not at present discovered untill shee came further out to Sea and then
the sayd Bonner and Company discovered that shee had taken fower or five foote
water in hold and haveing discovered the same did their utmost endeavour to preserve
the sayd shipp and her ladeing but the night of the same day whereon the sayd
disaster happened the sayd shipp notwithstanding all the endeavour could bnee
used proved more leakie and had taken seaven foote water or thereabouts in hold
which her Master and Company perceaving and seeing the exceeding great
danger all their lives were in they unanimously resolved for the preservation
of their lives to runne the sayd shipp upon a rockie Island neere hand
commonly called the Looe Island which accordingly they put in execution
and by that meanes saved their lives, but the sayd shipp and ladeing perished
and never came to Rochell Waxford or London And saith hee is well assured
that had not the Master and Company of her soe ranne her there aground
they had all perished in the sea with the sayd shipp and ladeing

To the 5th hee saith that in his this deponents Judgment the sayd shipp
the William and Anne the tyme arlate was worth (shee and her tackle and furniture)
three hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts And hee beleeveth her
goods and ladeing at the same tyme were worth a hundred and fifty pounds
of like money or thereabouts And further hee cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin

the marke of the sayd
William V Cole [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The foresayd Lawrence devenish upon Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee was Masters Mate and came first aboard the William
and Anne in the River of Thames about the beginning of September last and left her
upon Looe Island where shee was cast away as aforesayd, which her casting away happened
upon the fowerteenth of November last at night shee coming out that morning
from Plymouth./

To the 2 hee saith the sayd shipp first sett sayle from London on the eighteenth of September
last and thence went to Gravesend where the winde proveing Easterly and the shipp being alsoe of
necessity to stay there to bee cleered by the officers of the blockhouse shee lay there to procure
her cleereing and to expect a fayer winde from the nynteenth of the sayd moneth which was the
day of her arrivall thither untill the twenty fowerth day of the same moneth, on which
day shee sett sayle thence to the downes where shee arrived on the twenty fifth day of
the sayd moneth in the night tyme and the next morning waied Anchor and sett sayle from
the downes bound for Rotchell and touched at noe Port till shee was by storme and
Contrary windes forced as aforesayd into Plymouth upon the twenty nynth of the sayd