HCA 13/72 f.256v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.256v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 9th Interrogatorie hee saith that though a shipp bee staunch and strong before
a storme yet it doth not necessarily followe that therefore shee must receave noe
harme above water then under water for hee hath observed that oft tymes a
shipp is in a storme soe strayned in her seames that shee may and doth
receave more harme under water then above./

To the 10th Interrogatorie hee saith hee beleeveth that before the storme it was necessary
and usuall to pumpe the shipp three howers in a day or thereabouts and after
the storme shee stood neede to be pumped five howers in a day or thereabouts
and was pumped soe long at least every day till shee came into the river of
Thames, And further hee cannot answeeere./

To the last hee cannot answere knowing nothing thereof./

William Talmage [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 19th of March 1657 English style/

Examined on the sayd allegation./


Edward Cragg of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney and County
of Middlesex Mariner Master of a ffrigott called the Nantwich
ffrigott aged forty seaven yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first second and third articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee
this deponent being at Lisbon Master of the Nantwich ffrigott a shipp in the
service of this Commonwealth at the same tyme when the Oporto Merchant was then
ready to retourne thence with her ladeing the voyage in question which was in the
Moneth of November last hee this deponent and the Master of the Centurion an
other ffrigott in the imediate service of this Commonwealth were ordered by Captaine
Stokes (who was left then Commander in Cheife by Generall Blake of
certaine shipps in the imediate service of this Commonwealth) to convoy the sayd
shipp the Oporto Merchant safe for England this deponents sayd ffrigott and the
Centurion haveing then also necessary occasion to returne for England And
thereupon hee this deponent with his ffrigott the Nantwich ffrigott accompanyed
alsoe with the Centurion did undertake to Convoy the sayd shipp the Oporto Merchant
from Lisbon into the downes, and in order thereto sett sayle in Company toge[ather GUTTER]
from Lisbon on the second day of November last and in their passage for England
they mett with a very violent storme of of the Norther Cape which continued
twenty fower howers at least with great violence in soe much that by force [?thereof GUTTER]
the Nantwich ffrigott lost all her sayles saving her mayne topp sayle and
was severed from the Company both of the Centurion and the Oporto
Merchant and receaved sight of them noe more while such tyme as the
Nantwich ffrigott gott into the downes, and this deponent not finding [?her GUTTER]
in the downes when his sayd frigtott came first in thither verily beleeveth
that the Oporto Merchant had by violence of the sayd storme bin [XXXX GUTTER]
and lost, but saith the next day after the arrivall of the Nantwich ffrigott in
the downes both the Oporto Merchant and the Centurion ffrigott arrived in the
downes and this deponent observed that the Centurion had lost his mayne
topp sayle and splitt her foresayle by meanes of the sayd storme, but what
dammage was happened thereby to the Oporto Merchant hee did not take
any particular notice of but saith shee being a Merchantman and not
saving soe many on board her to helpe to hand her sayles as the sayd
ffrigott had could not choose but bee much hurt and damnified and
her ladeing alsoe, by the violence of the sayd storme And further to these
articles hee cannot depose./




Edward Cragg


Primary sources



PROB 11/400/394 Will of William Crage or Craig, Mariner of Wapping, Middlesex 14 August 1690
PROB 11/451/55 Will of John Cragg, Mariner of Shadwell, Middlesex 06 June 1699