HCA 13/72 f.250v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.250v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 7th and 8th Interrogatories hee saith hee was not in the voyage in question
and therefore cannot answere to these Interrogatories/

To the Interrogatories 2do loco added after the
repetition of the foresayd Edward Barton upon
the Interrogatories primo loco/

To the Interrogatories secundo loco hee saith hee cannot answere
knowing nothing touching the contents thereof./

Repeated the second of March 1657
before doctor Godolphin/

Phillip Griffin [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 3 day of March 1657 English style

The clayme of Arnold Vanderhemel etcetera/

Examined on an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd Vander he[XXX GUTTER]

Rp. 2

Thomas De La Vall of Dover merchant aged thirty seaven
yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined saith
and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that the arlate Arnold Vander
hemel and Isaack Courteine and Company were in the moneths and tyme
arlate comonly accompted to be lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the
hare of Middleborough arlate and her tackle and furniture, and the arlate
hubert Gosling was then reputed Master of her and this deponent being
a Correspondent of the sayd Van der hemels did after the seizure of the
sayd vessell receive severall letters of advise from the sayd Vander hemel wher[ein GUTTER]
hee as one of her owners desyred this deponent in behalfe of him and the
sayd Courteines and other her owners to take care that the wines aboard
her might bee preserved for his and their interest
for which reasons hee beleeveth the sayd Vanderhemel and Courteine and
Company to be the true Owners not only of the sayd shipp or vessell
and her tackle and furniture but alsoe of her ladeing aboard her other
seizure And further hee cannot depose/

To the 2 hee cannot depose

To the 3 hee saith hee being a Correspondent as aforesayd by letters
of Correspondence understandeth that the arlate Vander hemell and Courteines
have bin and are Inhabitants of Middleborough and subiects of the States of
the United Provinces And such hee beleeveth them to bee And further
to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 4th article of the sayd allegation and the first and second schedules
therein mentioned hee saith that hee this respondent hath paid moneys
severall tymes to the arlate hubert Gosling and hath had his recipt under
his hand for the same and therefore knoweth that hee can write, and being
acquainted with his hand hee verily beleeveth that the first schedule arlate
was and is subscribed with the proper hand writing of the sayd hubert
Gosling And saith hee verily beleeveth that the second schedule arlate was
and is the passe for the vessell and goods arlate And beleeveth that Isaack Cour
teines and other the parties named in the sayd two schedules and the shipp and


Primary sources



PROB 11/375/160 Will of Anne Countess De La Val alias Ayloffe, Dowager of Wytham, Essex 07 February 1684