HCA 13/72 f.237v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.237v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the foresaid 90 li (or thereabouts) to this deponents remembrance,
And saith that there were severall
other dammages pretended by other persons for want of care of
the quantities specified in the said [XXXX] bills of lading, and that
upon him to be left behinde or at least wanting, which because the
deponent was alsoe to come away, hee so left upon the said
Thomas Church the younger (who was then retourned) to transport and finish, [?All]
which dammage came and happened by default of the said [?hart], which
had brought come from the Ilands for other persons, and had
left or lost severall quantities of that which before his departure
from lisbone had had contracted to bring. And further hee cannot
depose, saving that all the said moneyes soe recovered by [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GUTTER]
come and [XXX] when the said Amery and company and was by them
he paid and allowed upon account.

To the 12th hee cannot depose.

To the 13 hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee hath noe relation to the producents
and that hee cometh required by Mr Amery to testifies the
truth in this cause. hee well knowing that this deponent was
acquainted with the transactions in Portugall.

To the second hee saith that the said Thomas Amery the younger is
commonly reputed the sonne of Thomas Amery the older interrogated
and this deponent did not goe from lisbone to the Azores in the said shipp
And otherwise hee remembreth not.

To the third hee cannot answere saving as aforesaid.

To the fourth hee saith hee this rendent the time aforesaid
corresponded with the said Thomas Amery the younger in recovering
some debts which the said Thomas [?left] in Portugall when hee
came thence, and in this busines, and some other matters of small
moment, And otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesayd

To the last hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid



The 13th of ffebruary 1657./

Wm Simons the Master and others the Mariners of the shipp}
the Peter of Bristoll against William Yeomans John Bowen and}
Company owners of the sayd shipp coming in for their}
Interest in a cause of subtraction of wages ffrancklin}

Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd
Symons and others./

Rp. EA. 1

Christopher Stribling of Bristoll M[ariner GUTTER]
aged forty yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse [sworne GUTTER]
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first article hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate William h[amm?ond GUTTER]
Richard hamersley henry Williams James Jordaine John deane John hays and
Thomas Constance and know them the voyage in question serveing in the shipp the
Peter of Bristoll in the respective places and qualities videlicet the sayd ha[?mmond GUTTER]
was Masters Mate the sayd hamersley Chirurgion the sayd Williams carpenter the
[sayd GUTTER]



William Yeomans

James Jordaine


Primary sources



E 134/14Chas2/East29 Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Depositions taken by Commission. Charles II. Sir Jeffrey Palmer, Knt. and Bart. (Attorney - General), Henry Harris, Samuel Sturmy v. William Yeomans, merchant: Ship called"The Grasmore" now lying at Hungroad, a port belonging to Bristol.: Bristol. 30 January 1662 - 29 January 1663


PROB 11/400/371 Will of James Jordaine or Jordan, Mariner of Wapping Whitchapel, Middlesex 08 August 1690