HCA 13/72 f.230v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 230 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4788.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/09/16 |
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and had taken in some thereof and tooke aboard her about halfe a tonne an[d GUTTER]
a quarter of a tonne more thereof whilst the sayd Taylwer and this deponent
stayed there and then they left her takeing in of the rest and hee Judgeth by the
bulke of the hope that lesse then forty tonnes would not suffice to ballast
her as shee ought to bee And farther saving his foregoeing deposition
hee cannot answere/
To the 5th hee saith hee knoweth not what goods the hope laded the voyage
Interrogate he well knoweth that the East India shipps which carrie as dry
goods as any the hope would, are usually ballasted with River ballast
which hee beleeveth they would not doe if it could any waies preiudice
their goods And further hee cannot answere./
To the 6th hee saith that the Interrogate Boarman and the rest of the producents
had at the tyme Interrogate noe wharfe to laye ballast upon but weere of this
deponents knowledge well provided with great store of dry and good ballast
both sand and gravell which they then kept in lighters in a readynesse to fu[rr= GUTTER]
nish shipps with./
To the 7th hee saith hee is a Reteyner to the Interrogate Bourman Loding=
ton Williams and Clarke and imployed by them in manner as in hiis
answer to the first Interrogatorie is declared, and saith hee doth not nor
at any tyme did worke for any body in takeing up ballast in the River
of Thames And hee alsoe saith hee knoweth that the sayd Bo[?a]rman
Lodington and the rest of the N[?o]w Patentees for ballasting of shipps doe
take for ballast those rates followeing videlicet of Colliers tenn pence per
tonne of other English Merchants twelve pence per tonne and of all
fforraigners sixteene pence per tonne And further hee cannot answere
not knowing the rates of ballast before the n[?o]w Pattentees had p[?aid]
to sell the same./
Repeated with his precontest before Collonell Cock
Symon Bonderman [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day
Examined upon the sayd petition/
Rp. 3us
John Pysing of London gentleman aged thirty five yeares
or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined saith
and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the sayd petition hee saith for that hee this deponent is one of the Clarkes
for the office established for ballasting of shipps in the River of Thames hee
knoweth that a Patent of the sayd office was on the fowerteenth of September
last graunted to Thomas Lodington George Bourman Samuell Clarke
and Oliver Williams [active] in this suite by his highnesse the Lord Protector paying into
his Exchequer for the same the yearely Rent of a thousand pounds sterling
money and the sayd Patentees ever since such grunt have bin in the
possession of the sayd office and in order to the exercise thereof did
in the sayd moneth of September make publication of such their authority unto all Masters
of shipps and others whome it might concerne (by publique fixing of printed
coppyes of the effect of the sayd Patent) upon the Exchange the Custome
house Billingsgate and other publique places neere the River of Thames that
soe they might take notice thereof and yeild obsedience thereunto Which notwithstanding