HCA 13/72 f.224v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 224 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/10/02 |
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To the 3 and 4th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith hee referreth him selfe to
the Charterparty arlate and further cannot depose saving hee saith that the arlate
Gowen Paynter did as factor and Agent of the arlate John Page receave
the outward ladeing sent by the sayd Page in the sayd shipp and reladed the
sayd Pages part of Tonnage in the sayd shipp with wynes to be brought from the
Canaries for London and did dispatch the sayd shipp as to what was to be
receaved on board her upon the sayd Page his Tonnage in her upon or about the
eleventh of November English Accompt and 21th of the same Spanish Accompt after shee had stayed from the fifth of 7th
1654 till the eleventh of November that year And further to those articles hee
cannot depose./
To the 5th hee cannot depose of his certayne knowledge, but hath heard that
there was a pipe of wine which was to have bin laden aboard the Industry
at the Canaries (but upon whose tonnage hee knoweth not) staved by the boat[?men GUTTER]
who brought the same, before it came within the tackle of the sayd shipp And further
hee cannot depose hee being in the hold at worke stowing wines in the sayd shipp at the same tzyme
To the 6th article hee saith that hee being Mate as a foresayd knoweth that the
sayd Sydrach Blake did with the first oportunitie of winde and water after the sayd eleventh of November 1654 English style sett sayle
from the Canaries, and in order to his speedy departure thence did cause this deponent
to depart the roade of Loratava and goe to sea with the sayd shipp while hee
the sayd Blake was on shoare to gett his letters and dispatches
and being gotten out of the roade to sea there to stay for him till hee came
aboard with his dispatches which this deponent accordingly did, and the sayd
Blake being come aboard when shee was about three leagues at Sea, the sayd
shipp sett sayle thence about the 14th or 15th of the sayd moneth of November 1654 English Accompt for this port of London and arrived there as soone as the
arlate Vessell the Mary (of which the arlate Chalke was Master) arrived
there, although the sayd Chalkes vessell were dispatched and departed from
the Canaries a fortnight sooner then the Industrie was, and as soone as
the Nightingale and divers other English vessells who were dispatched and
departed from the Canaries before the Industrie was dispatched thence, did
arrive at London, And further to this article hee cannot depose
To the 7th hee saith for that hee was Masters mate of the sayd shipp the voyage
in question and helped to stowe all the wines brought home by the sayd Blake
for the sayd Page the voyage in queation and alsoe helped to unlade and deliver them
to such as the sayd Page sent to receave them, hee knoweth that the sayd wines were
well and sufficiently stowed, and that noe dammage happened unto them for
want of good stowage or through any default of the sayd Blake and Company
the Mariners of the Industrie nor was any fault found by the sayd Page (or
any who hee imployed to receave them) with the stowage of them at the tyme of
such their delivery And saith that if any dammage be happened to any of them
the same (as hee verily beleeveth) is happened only through the insufficiency
of the caske they were in and by noe other meanes And further to this article
hee cannot depose./
To the 8th hee cannot depose./
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
To the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee cometh to be a wittnes in the cause at the request of