HCA 13/72 f.223r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 223 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/10/02 |
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To the last Interrogatorie hee saith hee was not at Lisbone the tyme Interrogate
nor sawe or read any of the contracts betweene the Interrate Tatam Nye
or their Owners or ffreighters and therefore cannot answere to this
The 4th of ffebruary 1657/
[GUTTER ?Warn]er against Watson and howe.)
Budd ffrancklin Smith Suckley)
Examined on an allegation dated the nynth day of december
1657 given in on the behalfe of the sayd Warner./
Rp. jus
Mathew Clements of Wapping in the parish of Saint Mary
Matsellon alias Whitechappell Blockmaker aged 42
yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the first second and third articles of the sayd allegation hee saith
that hee this deponent is by trade a Blockmaker and maketh pulleyes
and other wooden materialls for shipps And saith that in the yeare
one thousand sixe hundred fiftie two the arlate shipp the Alexander
was bound out upon a warlike designe against the dutch and other Enimies
of this Commonwealth and stood neede of pullies pumpes and carriages
and other things belonging to this deponents trade, and that the arlate William
Watson the then Master of her did speake to this deponent to furnish
her therewith and this deponent in the moneths of August September October
or November or some of them did fitt and furnish the sayd shipp with
pullyes pumpes Carriages and other materialls belonging to his trade
amounting to the summe of fifty pounds sterling or thereabouts and
the worke being finished this deponent brought his bill for the same to
the sayd Watson who told this deponent that Mr Alexander howe (meaning
the arlate Mr how partie in this suite) was to bee his this deponents
paymaster for the same and writ under this deponents bill to the sayd
Mr how that hee should pay the same and this deponent thereupon went
to the sayd Mr Alexander howe and brought the sayd Bill to him amounting to fifty pounds or thereabouts and
hee accepted thereof and undertooke the payment thereof at three or fower
moneths tyme, and did pay the same to this deponent about sixe moneths
after such his acceptation thereof And saith that hee this deponent
beleeveth that at such tyme the sayd Alexander howe soe accepted the
sayd bill which was in the yeare one thousand sixe hundred fifty two and
allsoe at the tyme of such his payment of the same was one of the
Owners of the sayd shipp the Alexander and the reason of such his beleefe is for that hee soe underwritt the sayd bill and afterwards paid the same And further to these articles
hee cannot depose./
Upon the rest of the articles of the sayd allegation hee is not examined
by direction of the producent Warner./
Mathew Clements [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined on the sayd allegation
Rp. 2
George Shaw of Tower wharfe within the liberty