HCA 13/72 f.201r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.201r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 14th day of december 1657./

Peter Cole John Rouse John Soler [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Courtier}
Peter Cole William Levill Richard hutchinson Martyn}
Noell Jacob Millett and Bennett hall and others against}
Nicholas Tre[w]orgye Master and Part Owner of the shipp}
the Trade Increase: ffrancklin Smith}

Examined on an allegation given in on the behalfe
of the sayd Nicholas Tre[w]orgye./

Rp. jus

Richard Morris late of the Barbadoes and
now of London Chirurgion aged thirty eight
yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first second and third articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee
this deponent was at the Barbados at such tyme as the arlate shipp the
Trade Increase laye there takeing in of her lading of sugars and other goods
to be brought thense to London and was severall tymes aboard her in the moneths
of June and July one thousand sixe hundred fifty seaven while shee was soe takeing in her lading and came thense home
for England a passenger in her and saith that for the tyme hee knew the sayd
shipp lyeing there takeing in her ladeing, shee was in this deponents Judgment
a very able vessell and sufficiently tight and staunch for the performance
of her voyage from the Barbados to London and did take in little water and
noe more than usually shipps doe which lye in that hott Country And the sayd
shipp having taken in her ladeing ame out from Spikes Bay therewith
bound for England about the fifteenth day of the sayd moneth of July
1657 and was then of this deponents sight and observation tight and staunch and
noe waye leake more than ordinarily shipps are, and soe as that her pumpe
was easily able to cleere her and did cleere her of whatsoever water shee
tooke and soe continued untill shee mett a storme at Sea
in the moneth of August next after And further saving his subsequent
deposition hee cannot depose./

To the 4th 5th and 6th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee coming
a passenger in the sayd shipp as a foresayd from Barbados to England
well remembreth that in the Moneth of August aforesayd and about the
twentith day thereof (the tyme more certaynly remembreth not) the sayd shipp
in her passage from the Barbados toward England mett with a very violent
storme which continued with great extreamity for the space of eight and
forty or fifty howers, and somewhat longer with some smale abatement
of the furie thereof, in soe much that this deponent and other the passengers on
board her and alsoe the shipps company did greatly feare that the sayd shipp and
her lading and Company would have perished in the sea by the violence thereof
and the furie of the winde was soe great that it kept the sayd shipp under
water on the starrboard side most part of the sayd storme by meanes whereof
the shipp tooke in very much water into her hold and (as this
deponent heard the sea men saye) the seames of the shipp by her workeing
in the storme opened, whereat shee alsoe tooke in much water And hee knoweth
that the shipps Master and Company by reason of the violence of the sayd storme
and the shipps lyeing under water on the starr board side could
not make use of the pumpes to cleere her of the water receaved till the
sayd storme was over and then hee well knoweth the Master and Mariners
did their utmost endeavour with their pumpes to cleere her of the water
taken in the sayd storme and some of the passengers of this deponents knowledge
did then helpe to pumpe in order to the cleereing of her And further to these
articles hee cannot depose./.

To the 7th article hee saith that hee well knoweth about the beginning of


Primary sources



PROBABLE MATCH: PROB 11/281/656 Will of Nicholas Treworthy, Mariner of Stepney, Middlesex. 16 July 1658 (pp.3)

Miscellaneous Topics

"The petition of
Mrs Mary Treworthy
and the rest of the shipps
Company the Trades Encrease

22 december 1658"

"Parke against Scattergood
Cheeke, ffrancklin."

"To the Right honnourable the Judges of the Court of Admiralty
The humble petition of Mary Treworthy widow of Nicholas
Treworthy late Commander of the shipp the Trades
=Encrease, on the behalfe of herselfe, and the rest of
the said shipps Company:

Sheweth: That your petitioners hath had a cause depending before your
honours a long time against one Mr John Catlin for their wages due in
the said shipp the Trades=Encrease, your petitioners hath spent
much tyme and money (to their great Charge and trouble)
yet cannot have a Tryall with the said Catlin, for their
said wages, Most of your petitioners haveing wives and Children
to mainetaine which are ready to perish and starve for
want of food and due reliefe, their Callings neglected
for the maintenance of their famillyes in Attending upon
your [XXXX]ers and the Court for a Legal Tryall, and alsoe
your petitioner the said Mary Treworthy lost her husband in
the service of the said Catlin,

Your petitioners therefore most humbly prayeth your
honnours for a speedy Tryall with the said Catlin
for their aforesaid wages soe that they may
be Eased of their great trouble and Expence
haveing long wated and Attended upon the same,

And as in duty bound your petitioners shall
ever pray etcetera

  1. Jump up HCA 15/7 no fol., viewed 01/10/13