HCA 13/72 f.198r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.198r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The 12th day of december 1657/

The office of the Judges promoted by daniell}
Vassell and others against Jenkin Ellis.}
Examined upon the sayd articles/

Rp. 2

Peter Howard of the parish of Saint Katherine neere the
Tower of London Waterman aged thirty one yeares or
thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet.

To the first article and the order therein mentioned for that hee was not
present at the makeing of the order hee cannot depose to the particular contents
thereof but referreth him selfe to the order arlate And further cannot depose/

To the second articles hee saith That hee this deponent hath bin a waterman
by trade as Apprentice and afterwards in his owne right for these foureteene
yeares last past and upwards and hath for that tyme constantly plyed
at Saint Katherines Stayres neere the wharfe of the arlate Jenkin Ellis, and
at other places neere thereabouts and thereby hath well observed that
with in the tyme arlate and since the one and twentieth of March 1653 there
hath often tymes layne severall vessells a brest one of an other betwixt
Saint Cathereines stayres and Saint Katherines dock At and neere the wharfe of the sayd
Ellis, somtymes fower sometymes five and sometymes sixe abrest the
and upon the entertaynement and with the leave as hee
verily beleeveth of the sayd Ellis, for that hee this deponent being a
neighbour to the sayd Ellis (prentice and housekeeper) for these fowerteene
yeares last past, hath thereby observed that the companies of such vessells
did usually make their passage through the sayd Ellis his howse and
this deponent and other watermen who plye thereabout being much
annoyed and hindred by the sayd vessells their lyeing there in that manner
have spoken severall tymes to the Masters and Companyes of them to
make way that such watermen as had occasion to plye there might have
free passage to Saint Katherines stayres, and upon their obstinasie and
refusall soe to doe have threatned them that if they would not make
waye as they ought to doe in that case, they would cut their hawsers And
the sayd Masters and Companyes have replyed that they paid for their
lyeing there, and therefore they would soe who durst cutt their hawsers or
hinder them for lyeing there, or to that effect and being by this deponent and other
watermen asked who they paid any thing to, for lyeing there, they
answered they paid halfe a crowne a weeke to Jenkin Ellis for lyeing
there (meaning the arlate Ellis) and therefor they would lye there, And hee
saith that such their lyeing there is greatly to the preiudice and annoyance
of the neighbourhood and hinderance of navigation and of such as
watermen or lightermen as have occasion to come to Saint Katherines
stayres And further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose/

To the 3 article hee saith hee having bin a neighbour as aforesayd knoweth
that the by reason that severall vessells doe and have actually layne soe
a brest at and neere the sayd Jenkin Ellis his wharfe upon his entertaynment as
aforesayd the Inhabitants neere thereabout have bin and are deprived of
their liberty of shipping off or takeing in goods at their backsides and
wharfes neere adioynig to the River, for that the vessells soe entertayned