HCA 13/72 f.178r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 178 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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13/05/10 | |
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Edited on 27/05/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The 24th of November 1657.
Paine and company against Cooke.}
Exámined upon the libell.
Rp. 1
Nathaniel Paine of Shadwell Mariner, aged 23 yeares
or thereabouts sworne and exámined.
To the first árticle hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth the
producent Joseph Paine, and alsoe the shipp the William Bonadventure arlate
of which shipp and of her tackle and furniture, hee saith the said Joseph Paine
and company were the time arlate and are the true and lawfull owners and
proprietors and for such commonly accounted and reputed, which hee knoweth having
bin Masters Mate of the said shipp within the said time.
To the second árticle hee saith and deposeth that the time arlate and
more particularly on the second day of August last and thereabouts the said
shipp the William Bonadventure was and rode and was well and sufficiently maned
in a place of the River of Thames where shipps doe use to ride over against
Bell wharfe, where shee had a safe and convenient birth, and had
there ridd about six weekes before the said second of August, which hee
knoweth being masters mate of her and helping to bring her there to an
anchor, and having seene such her safe riding there all the said while, But
on the said second of August (being sunday) this deponent in the afternoone
comming from Church and looking towards Thames
saw the said shipp lying ashore at Bell wharfe, having her cable cutt
and being forced ashore, and understood that it was donne by the shipp the
Hopewell (whereof Mathew Cooke was master) her comming fowle of the
William Bonadventure and sitting upon her cable. And saith that by the said
comming ashore of the said shipp the William Bonadventure the time and by
the occasion aforesaid, her Thiller was broke close by the head of the
Rudder, and the Rudder (which before was but crackt), was by the
meanes aforesaid broke shere off in peeces, soe that one part fell from the
other, and that the anchor and a greate part of the cable of the said
shipp William Bonadventure, were and are by the meanes aforesaid
lost, which anchor and part of the cable soe lost were and worth the
summe of twenty pounds sterling, and that to make and supplie
a new Ruddar and Thiller instead of those soe broken and to hang the ruddar, will cost (as
hee hath bin credibly told by an experienced shipp wright (tenn pounds sterling
And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the third hee saith that there were three other shipps moored on the off-side
and close by and abreast of the William Bonadventure to the time of the said
dammage happening, and the said shipp Hopewell
falling asterne of all the said foure, hove or forced in amongst them
and soe [XXXX] upon the fore said cable, and occasioned the said dammage,
after warning given to some of˺ her company of the danger.
To the fourth hee referreth himselfe to the Registrie of this Court, and
otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the fifth hee saith the said Cooke is a subiect of this Commonwealth
and otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.
Primary sources
PROB 11/416/283 Will of Nicholas Paine, Mariner of Saint Paul Shadwell, Middlesex. 30 June 1694