HCA 13/72 f.151r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.151r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


William Spencer came. (at night) aboard the sayd
shipp, and that on the next day the arlate Croford
did agree with the sayd Spencer to conduct and carry
the sayd shipp to Penarth, which was done accordingly
And further he cannot depose.

To the ninth he deposeth that when the sayd shipp was
arrived at Penarth the arlate Croford went ashoare
and did afterwards send for the arlate Cobb, Upson
Woodfall and Nicholls to come ashore unto him, and that
they did goe unto him, But further he cannot depose./

To the tenth article he deposeth that the arlate shipp the
Gilbert did lye at Penarth from about the 20th day
of January 1656 to the 24th day following, and that
on the sayd 24th day the sayd Captaine Croford came
aboard the sayd shipp together with Nicholas Skidmore
whom he the said Croford brought along with him, and
that the sayd Skidmore did by the sayd Croford order
pilott the sayd shipp from Penarth to King Roade
arlate And further he cannot depose, saving that the
sayd shipp did leave an anchor behind her when she
came away from Penarth./

To the 11th and twelth he cannot depose, saying that he
left the shipp when she was arrived in King=roade.

To the thirteenth article he deposeth that he hath not the
least knowledge of any mutiny that the sayd shipps
Mariners were guilty of in her passage from the
Barbadoes unto Kings Roade predeposed of, And further
he cannot depose./

To the 16th he cannot depose/

To the last he saith his former deposition is true./

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee answereth that he was first spoken into
to come and be a wittnes by one Mr Richard Cooke of the
shipp Gilbert, and by Mr Standhopp the Mariners
Sollicitor, and that he comes voluntarily And to
all the rest he answereth negatively./

To the second he answereth that he onely knoweth the
parties Agents by their names, and that he wisheth that that
party should prevayle, which have most right, and that he
would soe dispose the same it it were in his power/

To the third and fowerth interrogatories he referreth himselfe to his
former deposition, And further he knoweth not to answere
he for his part leaving the shipp at her arrivall in king roade./

To the fifth he answereth that he hath bin a Planter
in New England nigh 20.ty yeares and hath made noe
more or other voyages than from London to New England
and thence to the Barbadoes and soe back againe for
London England and soe he is not soe skillfull a Seaman as to
know how to answere the latter part of the Interrogatory
