HCA 13/72 f.135v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 135 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2017/07/18 |
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and thence tooke her course for Amsterdam, in which course shee was
seized as aforessaid, And otherwise negatively
To the fifth hee saith that besides the foresaid goods named in his
deposition to the second article of the allegation, there were carried from
Amsterdam in the said shipp linnen cloth, hollands cheeses, and some
stuffs, but the particular quantities hee remembreth not, nor knoweth
the valew of the whole cargo, nor can estimate the same. And
otherwise saving as aforesaid hee cannot answer.
To the sixth hee saithhee saw the weighing of the said tobaccoes
soe taken in on the wild coast, but tooke noe account thereof in writing, that being donne by the master, and that none of the foresaid tobaccoes
by him deposed to be laden for the owners were (to his remembrance)
marked, but only chipps or peeces of wood fastened to the ends, and
thereon the quantitie or weight of each roll set downe, but besides
the foresaid quantitie deposed to be laden for the owners, this deponent
had five greate rolls and one small roll for his owne account
upon which were peeces of wood fastened marked with this deponents
marke videlicet [MARKE], but the marke and wood is fallen off from one
of his greate rolls, and that this deponent hath
alsoe a small cae of tobaccoe of the same marke, and the boatswaine
hath one greate roll of tobaccoe for account of him and some others of the company and some
small rolls and three cases of tobaccoe, and another of the
company namely Arian Bastinson had alsoe some, but the quantitie hee remembreth not
and one hide and a halfe, And otherwise hee doth not remember
saving his foregoeing deposition.
To the seaveneth hee saith hee never saw the said Augustin Rosetti
till this voyage then hee met him in Santa Cruse, And otherwise hee
cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
To the 8th hee cannot depose, but verily beleeveth the contrary.
To the 9th hee saith that they had no license nor needed any to trade
on the Wild coast, for hee saith they lay out and the Wilde people
and somtimes Spaniards came aboard them with canoes and brought
tobaccoes, and sold the same unto them upon truck for some of their
said outwards commodities, And saith that the season for tobaccoe
at Tobago not being come, they went to the Wild Coast for the
tobaccoe. And otherwise negatively.
To the tenth negatively.
To the last hee cannot answer saving his foregoeing deposition to which
hee referreth himselfe.
The 29th of September 1657. [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the foresaid allegation.
Frederick Claeson of Amsterdam Mariner, boatswaine
of the said shipp the Morning Starr, aged 30 yeares
or thereabouts, sworne and examined.
To the first and second articles hee saith and deposeth that hee knoweth Egbert
Scutt arlate and saith that hee and company of Amsterdam are
commonly accounted owners of teh said shipp and of her tackle and furniture