HCA 13/72 f.11v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.11v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the said papers hee left the same to be annexed (with translations into English) to an authenticall
copie of this affidavit, to the end the same ought be made publique, and
intimated to such as might be therein any waies concerned.

Ben barebore [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 15th of June 1657.

hárbin ágainst Wills and others.}

Exámined upon an allegation on the behalfe
of the said harbin.

Rp. .j.

Nicholas Saunders of Truroe in Cornewall
Merchant, aged 28 yeeres or thereabouts sworne
and exámined.

To the fifth árticle of the said allegation (upon which alone hee
is by discretion of the producent exámined) hee saith and deposeth that
hee this deponent having for eleaven yeeres (ended about two yeeres
since) lived at Morlaix in the Realme of ffrance and there often traffiqud (sic)
(amongst other things) in tobaccoes bought thither from Bourdeaux,
is knowing and skilfull in the condition of those tobaccoes, and more
particularly of the tobaccoes in question, in asmuch as the same was
for the account of the producent mr harbyn consigned to Morlaix
to this deponent and partner, by william Carey lader at Bourdeaux
for the said account, who wrote unto this exáminate that it was
of the best sort of Bourdeaux tobaccoe and as good as any was made
that season, and this was soe written and sent to this deponent
ánd partner before the seizure of the said tobaccoe in question,
and for theise reasons hee saith hee is well assured and knoweth
that the said tobaccoe was at the time of the said lading and of
the seizure thereof worth at Morlaix nine sols per pound at the least, and
that soe it would gave there yeelded. And saith that according
to the said advise from the said lader, the said tobaccoe was in quantitie
foure tonnes of tobaccoe and amounted in weight to 8197 pounds
, referring himselfe for the more certaintie of the quantitie
and weight to the bill of lading for the same
[UNCLEAR IF DELETED which this deponent] hath seene, and is viewing
in this Court, And saith further that the time arlate, namely
in and about the moneth of March 1654 and 1655 tobaccoes of that
or like sort sold and were vended at Morlaix
at nine sols per pound one with another, soe that the said tobaccoe
of the said mr harbyns, being as aforesaid eight thousand one hundred
ninetie seaven pounds would have made and amounted to - 3688 livres
13 sols, which after the rate of the then exchange amounted to two
hundred eightie two pounds and odd shillings sterling, the exchange then being
as hee saith from Morlaix to London fiftie five pence English to the
ffrench crowne. And this hee saith was and is publique and notorious
And otherwise hee cannot depose.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.