HCA 13/72 f.112r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.112r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


therein brought to this port, and at debtford delivered into a
lighter to be brought up to the States use. All which hee knoweth
being upon the said seizure alsoe taken to serve in the said frigot
and comming thither in her; and hee this deponent heard that
there were alsoe tobaccoes taken out of the said shipp the Nicholas
into the Newberry frigot and the shipp George, which frigot and
shipp came alsoe home with the foresaid frigot the Maidstone. And
further hee cannot depose.

The marke of
Edward [MARKE] Phillips


The same day.



Charles Bradick Master of the Maidstone frigot
aged 53 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and exàmined.

To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith that on New yeares
day last the said frigot the Maidstone met with and seized a
shipp called the Nicholas comming from Santa Domingo for Cadiz,
laden with tobaccoes, hides and some Cuckaw, which seizure
happened off the Southerne Cape, and saith that the Spaniards
that were passengers aboard as alsoe the master of the vessell
confessed that all the varinas tobaccoes, and all or most of the rest
of the goods were belonging to the said Spanish passengers. And
saith there were thirtie nine Potacco's of the said varinas tobacco
taken out of the said shipp into the said frigot and brought to
this port, and put into the hands of the prize officers here.
All which hee knoweth being master of the said frigot and seeing
the premisses soe donne. And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving
the said shipp was lost at Lisbone.

Repeated before the two Judges in Court.

Charles Bradicke [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The fifth of September 1657.

The claime of Antonio da ffonseca}
ffranca for his goods in the Virgin Mary}
and All Saints of Cartagena. Budd. ffrancklin}

Exámined upon án allegation
given in on behalfe of the
said claimer 29 July last.

d.t francklin .j..

Antonio Martinis da Mesa of Sevile Merchant aged
thirtie two yeares or thereabouts sworne and

To the first árticle hee saith that besides the fourtie nine potaco's
of tobacco claimed by the said Antonio de ffonseca ffranca in this cause
(whereof hee hath spoken in his deposition formerly made in the said cause)
[there GUTTER]



Charles Bradick


Primary sources


State Papers

SP 46/137/508 ADMIRALTY. Masters' certificates granted by Trinity House: Master: Charles Braddick of Ratcliffe Signatures: William Wildeys, Edmund Grove. 11 February 1665