HCA 13/71 f.9v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.9v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the sayd Witherly and saith the same amounteth to about seaven
pounds And to the rest of the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively./

To the 4th Interrogatorie hee saith hee came first aboard the sayd shipp at Bristow
in december 1654, (which was after her Lisbone voyage performed)
and continued in her till such tyme as shee was seized as aforesayd, but
saith hee living at Bristoll did observe that the sayd shipp after her return
to Bristoll from her voyage to Lisbone, had some smale repayers done
to her, and saith it tooke up little tyme and knoweth the same was noe
hinderanse to her performanse of her voyage to Saint Sebastians for that hee
knoweth shee was ready and tooke in her ladeing, but by fault of the sayd
yeomans and Willett not or their Agents not entring certaine skinnes
shipped aboard the sayd shipp, in the Customshouse at Bristoll, the
sayd Skinnes were seized aboard the sayd shipp and carried ashoare and the sayd shipp stayed
till the sayd skinnes were steeved at the Customehouse and brought aboard againe by meanes
of which stay the sayd shipp lying in King Roade at Bristoll expecting her
dispatch, before the same was obteyned an other shipp was driven
fowle of the Jonas and brake her head and bolspritt in soe much that shee
was thereby faine to staye and have the same mended before shee could
proceede on her voyage to Saint Sebastians, and further to this Interrogatorie
hee cannot answere./

To the 5th Interrogatorie hee saith hee cannot answere otherwise than negatively
for that hee knoweth that the sayd Shipp was made tight and stanch and fitt
to receive goods, and had men in readines aboard, before any goods
were brought to be put aboard her./

To the 6th saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot more particularly
answere to this Interrogatorie./

To the 7th hee saith the sayd shipp Jonas stayed some small tyme to have
her head and boltspritt mended after shee had receaved in her ladeing, but how
long hee remembreth not and further hee cannot answere

To the 8th hee cannot answere otherwise than that hee saith hee knoweth
of noe shipps that went out from Bristow toward Spaine while the
Jonas soe stayed to mend her bolspritt and head, further hee
cannot answer./

To the 9th hee saith as is predeposed that for the reason of the Jonas her stay
at Saint Sebastians was not by reason of any contrary windes or fowle
weather but only because the factors of the sayd Willett and yeomans
had not their pitch ready to lade as aforesayd, And further hee
cannot answere./

To the tenth saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere thereto/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/

his marke
Robert RA Allyson [MARKE, RH SIDE]