HCA 13/71 f.93v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.93v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The two and twentieth of March 1655.

The claime of Cornelius van Stirht}
for the shipp Magdelena of which}
hendrick vander Berck was Master}
Suckley. Budd.}

Examined upon an allegation given in on the
Claimers behalfe 21 of March 1655.

Rp. .j.us

John Spalding of London Merchant aged 22 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first, second and third árticles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that the producents Cornelius van Stirht and company arlate have
for theise twenty monethes last past and upwards bin owners and proprieters
of the said shipp the Magdalena and for such commonly accounted, which
hee knoweth for that about a yeere and halfe since the
said Cornelius Stirht being a correspondent of this deponents John
Bolle merchant of this citie, went from Nantes to this
deponents said master (then residing at dunquirke) to receive the
freight of salt brought in the said shipp from ffrance to Ostend by
daniell ffit[?zell] her then master, and to remit the same to him by
bill of exchange for Paris to be paid to him an order saying
withall in the said letter that the said money for the said freight was due
to and was for the accompt of him and of Gerrard vos and Jacob Roch
And saith that this deponents said master being then absent, this
deponent re{ce}ived and opened the said lette as here is accustomed to doe
in the like cases and seeing the contents thereof, hee this deponent
from dyonise [?ffoenerouier] the said Mr Bolles correspondent at Ostend
to receive the said freight for the said salt and to send it to this
deponent, which hee accordingly did, being fower hundred pounds
fflemish, and this deponent accordingly remitted it to the said Cornelius
van Stirht for Paris according to his said order; and did not make or
give any account thereof to the arlate Paul Gasham or any ffrenchman
or subject of the king of ffrance, for he saith the said van Stirht
wrote then the said money belonging to him and the said vos and
Roch, should be placed by this deponents master to his the said van
Stirhts account, the said Mr Bolle having an account with with him.
And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fourth hee saith that the said van Stirht, Roch and vos
were and are commonly accounted Hollanders borne, subjects of the
States of the united Netherlands, and that the said van Stirht is
somtimes at Nantes as a Marchant Stranger, And otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee this deponent is a native of Gothenburg
in Sweden, and hath lived at London about six weekes last, and
before that at dunquirke about two yeeres and a halfe and before
that at Amsterdam about for three yeares, and before that
alwaies with his father in Gothenburg. And otherwise negatively.

To the second hee saith hee hath seene Gerrard vos about a yeere
and halfe since, but hath not seene Roch nor van Stirht, and
otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the 3. 4. 5 and 6 hee saith that the persons then paid the said freight