HCA 13/71 f.92v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 92 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: P1130387.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2012/10/14 | |
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Edited on 14/12/2012 and on 09/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The 21th of March 1655.
On the behalfe of John Roy}
of London Merchant in a cause}
of Assurance.}
Rp. 1
Richard Biles of Waymouth Marchant aged
31 yeeres or thereabouts sworne before the
right Worshipfull John Godolphin doctor of
Lawes one of the Judges of the high
Court of the Admiraltie saith and deposeth
by vertue of his oath.
To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that
hee well knew the shipp the Hope of Weymouth interrogated whereof
david Barker was master, and well knoweth the producent John
Roy of London Marchant and hath soe donne for theise three yeeres
last past, And saith the said shipp in the moneth of September last
past went from Wexford in Ireland
bound for Marseille, laden with white and red herrings for the account
of the said Mr Roy and company, which hee knoweth for the reasons following
To the third and fourth Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that
in or about the beginning of September last past hee this deponent
by the order and appointment of the said John Roy and Company
did at Wexford aforesaid lade aboard the said shipp the hope for the
account of them the said Mr Roy and company her full lading of
herrings white and Redd, to the number of five hundred and fourtie
barrells of herrings or thereabouts, and saith the said Roy was
particular and sole owner of a quarter part thereof, which hee
knoweth because hee this deponent was imployed as aforesaid in the
lading of the said herrings, part of which hee bought with the moneys of the
said producents Mr Roy and company, who furnished every man his
proportion of money by bills of exchange for payment for his share,
and thereby hee knoweth the said Roy to be proprietor of a quarter part
or share of the said herrings, And saith the said lading of
herrings was consigned to be delivered at Marseille to Mr John
holworthy an English merchant there, but in case the said shipp should
by contrary windes be put into any port of Spaine, and that there her
master should finde a good market, hee had private order to sell
his herrings there or soe many as hee should finde opportunitie to sell
and to carry the money with him and the rest of the herrings (if
any were left) to Marseille to the said Mr holworthy, to whome the
said goods were by bills of ladeing consigned. And saith the said shipp
having soe received the said herrings aboard her departed from
Wexford upon her said voyage, and afterwards this deponent in another
shipp bound for Malaga without the Straights mouth on or about the
16th of October last and kept her company as farr as Malaga
Roade where they parted on or about the 21th of October last, the
said shipp Hope prosecuting her voyage for Marseille; in which time
of their sailing in company this deponent spake with the said
master david Barker, aboard the hope and understood from him
that hee had not bin in any part of Spaine nor disposed of any