HCA 13/71 f.89r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 89 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 10/11/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1130379.JPG | |
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Philip Hnatkovich | |
First transcribed | |
2012/11/10 | |
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Edited on 09/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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aboard the Elizabeth and Anne but saith the same was brought by the Company
and in the boate of the Elizabeth and Anne to the Cesar in Nathalagoe Roade
before the Cesars last goeing to Petras, which money hee afterwards
delivered back to the sayd harby as is before deposed, And further to this
Interrogatorie hee cannot answere./
To the 37th Interrogatorie and the schedule therein mentioned hee saith hee knoweth the Interrogate Jacob Salter
and that hee was boatswaine of the Cesar, and having perused the schedule
Interrogate hee saith hee beleeveth the words Jacob Salter is his the sayd
Salters owne hand writing but beleeveth not the rest of
the sayd schedule to bee his the sayd Salters hand writing And to the rest
of the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively for his part not beleeving
any boatswaines noate to bee binding to a master of a shipp in such
sort as is Interrogate./
To the 38th Interrogatorie and the Schedule therein mentioned hee
saith hee beleeveth the second Schedule Interrogate to be signed by the
Interrogate Aron Estes Thomas Child and Jacob Salter, which Salter
and Child are two of the Company of the Cesar, and saith the sayd second
Schedule is as hee beleeveth a protest made by the Interrogate
harbie at Petras against this deponent for not signeing bills of lading
for certayne Currans laden aboard the Cesar, and for not
delivering them aboard the Elizabeth and Anne aforesayd,
but doth by virtue of his oath saye and affirme that the contents
of the sayd pretended protest are utterly false, for that hee this
deponent knoweth not of any Currans that were laden aboard
the Cesar for Accompt of Williams and company
in the sayd pretended protest named, or for Accompt of any other person
save the forenamed Thomas Rowse and ffrancis ffowke And alsoe
for that hee well knoweth that hee this deponent never made any
Contract or agreement or undertooke to or with the sayd harbie
or any other person to deliver any of the sayd Currans aboard the
Elizabeth and Anne or to deliver any of them from aboard the
[LH MARGIN, AT 90 DEGREES] Cesar at any place but at London and saith that hee this deponent did suffer the sayd harbie in the presences of divers of his this deponents shipps Company to signe bills of ladeing for the Curans in Controversie to deliver them at London or elsewhere to such persons as it should appeare they did of right belonge unto the sayd harbie paying this deponent freight for them according to the Charterparty in this cause exhibited on behalfe of the sayd Rowse and ffrancis ffowke, and the sayd harby giving this deponent severity to save him harmelesse touching the delivery of them, which hee saith the sayd harbie in presence of divers of this deponentes shipps company refused to doe and afterwardes and gave order to this deponent and his purser not to deliver the Currans in controversie till his this deponents coming to London as is before deposed Wll Fudge [SIGNATURE, LH MARGIN]
And further
to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere./
To the 39th Interrogatorie hee saith hee is not acquainted with
harbies handwriting having seene little of it, and therefore knoweth
not whether the letter Interrogate be his hand or not, And further
to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere
To the 40th Interrogatorie hee saith hee knoweth not upon whose Accompt
the Currans Interrogate would have bin put in case they had miscarried in