HCA 13/71 f.84r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.84r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


one hamett Bashawe and one Constantine all servants of the sayd
Consull in this deponents shipp Cesar to Nathalagoe for the better and
speedier procureing the sayd Curranse, And saith the sayd Oliver
left the other three thousand dollars (being the remaynder of the fower
thousand laden at Genoa as aforesayd and received by him or his order)
and alsoe the sayd Coffie and pepper soe receaved at Zant on board the
sayd shipp Cesar And further to these articles hee cannot depose/

To the 12th and 13th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that
the Cesar being safely arrived at Nathalagoe the arlate William
ffowke the Consull (while shee stayed there) came aboard her, and in presense
of this deponents shipps company or a great part of them, did openly upon the
deck of the sayd shipp by words of mouth order this deponent to make
ready his sayd shipp for that to receave the Nathalagoe Currans, for that
hee intended speedily to lade them aboard her, and did in presense of this
deponent and company send for sacks to Petras and matts for
the Carrying the Nathalagoe Currans aboard the Cesar and to laye
under the sayd Currans, which matts and sacks were brought aboard the
Cesar for laying of the sayd Currans, And hee further saith that hee
well knoweth that the Elizabeth and Anne was at Nathalagoe while
the Cesar was there and that William ffowkes went aboard her the Elizabeth
and Anne and this deponent with him, and that the sayd ffowke there in presense
of this deponent and the arlate Langford and hardwick sayd that hee the sayd ffowke
had bought and contracted for all the Currans of Nathalagoe and the Morea of that
yeares growth (videlicet of the yeare 1655) and that they were his the sayd ffowkes,
and therefore desyred them not to meddle with any of them or words to that
effect, Whereto the sayd Langford in presense of this deponent and the sayd hardwick
replyed and sayd as followeth videlicet or to the like effecte that hee the sayd
Langford and hardwick came for Currans and Currans they would have
or they would Scratch for them, And further to these articles hee
cannot depose/.

To the 14th and 15th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that about
the first or second of September 1655 the sayd Consull ffowke came
aboard the Cesar and asked this deponent in presense of his Contests
Thomas Child and Jacob Salter and one Thomas Crosse and Valentine
Jones and others of the Cesars Company whether his sayd shipp were
ready, and withall told him this deponent that the Nathalagoe Currans
were ready, and that hee had bin with the Vivonda and paid him two
thousand dollars in part of payment for them, and shewed this deponent a t[?askar]