HCA 13/71 f.75r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.75r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


in question and came first into ther at London in the River of Thames
before her goeing thence to Genoa, and saith the shipps Interrogate were
both togeather in the Roade of Nathalagoe And further to this Interrogatorie
hee cannot answere knowing nothing touching the reste of the matters

To the 3 Interrogatorie and the bill of ladeing therein mentioned and now shewed
unto him hee saith hee knoweth nothing of the contents of this Interrogatorie
nor is acquainted with the Interrogate Captaine ffudge his
hand writing having never seene his hand writing above twice that hee knoweth of,
and therefore cannot tell what to [XXswere] or beleeve touching the sayd
bill of ladeing And further hee cannot answere/

To the 4th hee saith that there was a man in the Cesar called (as hee
hath hearde) Aron Estes but who sent him or upon whose or what Accompt hee
went in the sayd shipp hee knoweth not, but saith hee sawe the sayd
Aron Estes marke some of the Currans now in question, with the
marke that is now upon them, And further hee cannot answere to this

To the 5th Interrogatorie hee cannot answere otherwise then before hee hath deposed
not being privie to any transactions passing betweene the sayd hardwick
harbie and ffudge other than what hee hath before deposed/

To the 6th hee saith that hee knoweth that there was a protest drawne
by the Interrogate Clement harbie or his order against the Interrogate
ffudge, but the effect thereof hee remembreth not but saith hee
sett his hand as a wittness thereto And further to this Interrogatorie hee
cannot answere/

To the 7th Interrogatorie hee saith he knoweth nothing touching
the matters Interrogate not being privie to any of them
but saith hee hath hearde that the Interrogate harbie did at
Argustoll demand of the Interrate ffudge 37 butts 5 carratells
and three quarter Rolls of Currants which were in the Cesar
but for whose accompt hee demanded them hee hath not heard
and the schedule Interrogate being shewed unto him hee saith hee can
make noe answere thereto not knowing or being privie to any thing therein
conteyned nor knowing with whose hand the same is either written or signed
And further to this Interrogatorie he cannot answer/