HCA 13/71 f.667r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.667r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]


Richard Chappell of London Mariner, aged 25 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and exámined as aforesaid.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
the Island of Saint Jago, and was at the same in Aprill last was a twelve month
in company of his precontest George Chappell, and then well knew and
sawe that the said Iland was Inhabited by Portugueses, and under the
command and dominion of the kinge of Portugall, and for and as
part of the said kings dominions the said Island was and is commonly
accompted and reputed, and saith that the said kinge useth to send
a Governour to there, and that the Governour of the said place us of
the said kinges placing and appointing, and hath his Commission from
the said kinge of Portugall, And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith hee well knoweth the shipp
the Wolsingham and hath soe donne for theise twoe yeares last or
thereabouts, and hath bin commander of her in that space, and
saith shee is of the burthen of 260 tonnes or thereabouts and
had in her fourteene guns while shee was in the Portugueses
possession; And this deponent being as aforesaid at Saint Jago in
Aprill last was a twelve moneth, hee was there informed by the
Sergeant Maior of the said Iland a Portuguese (who came aboard this
deponents shipp) and others that about a yeere before that time the said shipp
the Walsingham was seized at the Ile of May by the Portugueses
and most of the mariners slaine, and that they were sent
and imployed on the said designe by George da Mesquito the
Governour (under the kinge of Portugall) of Saint Jago, as the said
Sergeant maior (who as hee said was the principall and commander
in that designe), said and acknowledged to this deponent; and saith that
after and upon the said seizure (as hee was there likewise informed)
the said shipp was by the Portugueses carried to Saint Jago, and that
her lading of salt and goods were there sold and disposed of,
and that after by the said kings command or order, shee was by
the Governour of Saint Jago sent to Lisbone, and comming there
shee was taken into the said kings possession; And saith that
as hee was credibly informed at Lisbone shee was foure or five
monthes in the said possession before shee was restored
to the owners; which her restoring was made and donne in or about december
last was a twelvemoneth, and this deponent by order of
the said owners factor at Lisbone tooke possession of her (as commander)
to their use on the first of January last was a twelvemoneth old stile
at which time there was wantinge powder, match, bullet and armes
of her store, which this deponent fetched out of the kings magazine
by order of the said kings officers there
And further that shee cost the owners of her 2300 Mill Rés or thereabouts
to fitt and sett her out upon and make her serviceable for a voyage
upon which shee went thense for the Island of Saint Tomé. And otherwise
hee cannot depose.

To the last hee saith the said Iland of Saint Jago is a place fortified
for defence and a Court of Guard there kept for the king of Portugall

Rich: Chappell [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]