HCA 13/71 f.665r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.665r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


same humphrey, Rowland and John hill and other English merchants
and upon the same designe, and came from Newfound land in her
company to Porto Port where the said shipp swann was alsoe seized
with the hopegood, and this deponent and the rest of the company of
the Swann imprisoned with the hopegoods company in the said Castle.

To the third Interrogatory hee saith and deposeth that the names of
the mariners of the said Captaine hayward in the hopegood were John
ffowler who hath sustained losse and dammage by the said seizure
twenty pounds sterling, nathaniell Jay twelve pounds sterling
Walter Bickford fifteene pounds, Peter Bartlet 45 li, henry
Lande 47 li. Samuel Parnelle 27 li, and Robert Thompson 23 li
18 s. And the said John hayward the master hath in his estimation
sustained losse and dammage by the seizure aforesaid 165 li. And
saith that hee this deponent had aboard the said shipp sixe kintalls
and three quarters of driefish worth 90 Rialls per kintall, which
is all lost to him by the said seizure. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
saving the said marriners were detained in the said imprisonment some 10 monethes and some lesse.

To the fourth hee saith the said shipp hopegood was of the
burthen of eightie tonns or thereabouts, and that the weare and
teare of her was worth 30 li per month, and soemuch hee conceiveth
the said owners to be damnified for every moneth of her being there
which was from the 13th of October 1650 to the moneth of
ffebruary 1651 old stile which was sixteene monethes or thereabouts,
which hee knoweth being sent to help bring her home, and then and there
hee sawe that shee was much damnified in her hull with long lying
and some of her furniture and rigging wanting. And otherwise
hee cannot depose.

Peetter ffilmor [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The seaventeenth of August 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

On behalfe of Rowland hill, humphrey}
hill and other English merchants owners}
of the shipp Swann, Thomas Pitcher master.}


John Hayward of Wapping Mariner
aged 40 yeeres or thereabouts sworne
before the right worshipfull doctor Walker and
the rest of the Commissioners for the
Portugall businesse, and exàmined upon
certain Interrogatories saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet.

To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that
hee well knew the shipp the Swann interrogated whereof Thomas
Pitcher was master at such time as shee was seized by the Portugueses
hereafter mentioned, and saith shee then belonged to Rowland hill
humphrey hill and John hill and other English merchants of London
who were her lawfull Proprietors. And that att Newfound land the
said shipp tooke in her full lading of ffish in or about the moneth of
August 1650, and departed thense therewith about the end of the
said moneth for Port a Port in Portugall where shee arived on the
thirteenth of October 1650 with her said lading; and that there shee
and her said lading of fish were on the said thirteenth day of October
1650 (old stile) after such her arivall seized and her master and