HCA 13/71 f.658Br Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 658 |
Side | Br |
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IMAGE: P1140567.JPG [The National Archives foliation has duplicated f.658r, and has been renumbered by this trascriber as f.658Br, though there is no B on the original manuscript page] | |
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Cathryn Pearce | |
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Edited on 28/07/14 by Colin Greenstreet |
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That the said John daniell had aboard the said shipp at the time of
the seizure by the officers of the king of Portugall at Bahia de Todos
los Santos in the yeere 1650 or thereabouts there tenn chests of sugar
namely eight chests of white and two of muscovadas, which were laden
by him the said John daniell and for his owne accompt,
And that Peter Tatam late commander of the shipp haniball had aboard
her two chests of white sugar which were laded by Robert Taylor for
accompt of the said Peter Tatam, which they knowe to be true being of
the said shipps company and seeing the said respective chests of sugar laden,
and this deponent Richard Rose kept an entrie thereof in writing,
which hee hath still in his custodie; and further they say that all
the foresaid sugars were seized amongest the rest of the said shipps
lading, and were and are thereby lost to the said persons; and that
the bill of lading nowe showed unto them for the said John daniells tenn
chests, was and is the true and reale bill for the same, signed by
the said Robert Tailer then master of the said shipp. And lastly
then the said Peter Tatams two chests were marked PTP.
Michael Taylor SC [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
On the behalfe of Ralph fflower of London}
Merchant, touching a bale of fustians seized
and taken by the kinge of Portugall}
The 28th of August 1654.
John Bushell of London Merchant
aged 37 yeeres or thereabouts sworne
before the right Worshipfull the Commissioners
appointed in the Portugall businesse
and examined on certaine Interrogatories
on the behalfe of the said Ralph fflower
saith and deposeth as followeth, videlicet.
To the first, second and third Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth
that Ralph fflower of London merchant having laded aboard the shipp
Sarah of London (Thomas Grannt master) nine packs or parcells of goods
marked $ for the port of Lisbone, consigned the same in the name of
George Saunders to be delivered to this deponent a merchant then resident at
in Lisbone to be by him this deponent disposed of for the accompt of the
said Ralph fflower, and who sent this deponent the Invoice and bill
of lading for the same, And this hee saith was in or about the yeere
1648. And saith then the said shipp arived with the said goods at Lisbone
and after such her arrivall all her lading and amongest that all
the foresaid goods were landed and put into the king of Portugalls
Alfand{ego} or custome house at Lisbone, whence this deponent dispatched
eight of the said packs or parcells and disposed thereof for the said
Mr fflowers use but the nineth parcell being a bale of fustians
and contayning (according to the said Invoice) 55 halfe peeces of fustians was as hee beleeveth remayning in the said
Alfandego when the Generall sequestration of the English