HCA 13/71 f.631r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 631 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 24/02/2013 | |
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IMAGE: P1140511.JPG | |
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Alex Jackson | |
First transcribed | |
2013/02/24 | |
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Edited on 27/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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bearing eight peeces of Ordnance togeather with her tackle apparrell
furniture and provisions for the shipps Companie and Negroes were
at the time of the seizure aforesaid really worth the summe of Two
Thousand seaven hundred pounds sterling money of England, which
hee knoweth for that a sixteenth part of the said shipp before shee was
soe fitted and furnished to Sea upon the voiage aforesaid, of this deponents
certaine knowledge was by Richard hull the former Master and part
Owner thereof, sold unto the said Jeffereys and Colclough for one
hundred pounds at the least, soe that the whole shipp in the condition shee
then was did after that rate amount unto 1600: li or thereabouts and with
the addition of all necessary tackle apparrell furniture provisions and
all conveniences for such a voiage and service, this deponent in his Conscience
and to the best of his Judgment fully convinced and assured of the valew
of the premisses as hee hath predeposed the same, And as to the said
shipp the Sarah, hee cannot depose anything knowingly, as to the value
thereof, nor touching the freight or mens wages in and aboard the same
the voiage in question. And further or otherwise hee cannot depose
To the 11th hee saith, That about two moneths after the
seizure of the said shipp Sarah, and about five or six weekes after the
seizure of the said shipp Rappahannack, the said Scroll and Companie
redelivered unto the Companies of the said surprized shipps, and of two
other English shipps, which they had alsoe thereabouts surprized, and taken
the said shipps Sarah, they having taken out of the same all the provisions
of Victualls, saving two butts of beanes, two barrells of beefe, one hundred
of Stockfish and about 5. or 600. weight of bread, togeather with
some tunns of water, the Company then by them putt onboard the said
shipp Sarah being about 70. persons, and being strictly ordered and
enjoyned by the said seizors to goe directly for England, upon paine of
forfeiture of the said shipp if they deviated or tooke any other Courses or voiages [XX]
would have required about thirty moneths time, but this deponent and the said
Arthur Perkins and the rest of the seized shipps Companies soe putt on board
the said shipp Sarah finding that such provisions were altogether insufficient
for such a Companie and voiage, and having but one entrie anchor, and one
peece of Cable of about 50. or 60. fathom, and one suite of sailes very
thin and insufficient for such a voiage, and being unwilling to expose their
lives to such imminent and almost inevitable danger, they sailed from
Cape de Lopes aforesaid to the Island of Saint Thomas, there they were
necessitated to sell the said shipp the Sarah for Victualls to keepe them
alive and to furnish another small Vessell, which they there procured to
carry them to the Barbadoes, there to gett passage for England, and saith
if they had not steered the Course and soul the said shipp to the use and
intent aforesaid, they must in all probability have perished for want of
Victualls. The premisses hee declareth and knoweth by sadd experience
to bee true. And otherwise to this Article hee cannot depose