HCA 13/71 f.622r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.622r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and (the Corne being in ladeing) hee this deponent heard the sayd
Captaine severall tymes openly upon the deck before this deponent and others of the shipps company aske the sayd Whitfeild whether hee had
bin carefull to provide good dennage for the sayd Corne and to make
the bulke heads firme whereto the sayd Whitfeild answered and
saye I warrant you all is well and as it should bee, or to that
effect, And saith that not withstanding the [?often] charge thereof given him
by the sayd Captaine the sayd Whitfeild did neglect to make good
dennage for the sayd Corne and to make the bulke heads tight by
meanes whereof the Corne rann downe night and day into the
bottomes of the pumpes and often choaked them soe that the corne
was much of it wasted many buckets full thereof being at severall tymes taken from
out the bottomes of the pumpes when they were choaked therewith was for want of fresh water to cleane it throwne aboard and
the corne remayning thereby alsoe much dammified by wett by reason the pumpes were
so often choaked but what the Owners deducted out of the frieght
for dammage thereof hee knoweth not And further cannot depose

To the 6th hee saith hee being steward of the Negro and having
the provisions of the sayd shipp committed to his custody
knoweth that the sayd Whitfeild did purloyne three peeces
of porke of the shipps provision, and that search being made for the
same the same was by Captaine Lockier found in the sayd Whitfeilds
Cabbin And saith that an other tyme this deponent having delivered
nyne stockfish to the Cooke to bee dressed for the provision of the shipp [?for one] day the same
were purloyned away and being missed, they
were afterwards found to be purloyned by the sayd Whitfeild
and by him conveyed on shoare at the Islands of St Christopher to a house to
which the sayd Whitfeild used to resorte and goe to have his linnens
washed and upon other occasions, And hee alsoe saith hee sawe
the arlate Edwards once breake open the hatches of the shipp the
Negroe and
this deponent reproveing him for soe doeing the
sayd Edwards answered and sayd hee would doe it and hee
would answere it for hee had some
friends come on board and hee would goe downe to gett wine
for them or words to that effect, and the sayd Edwards hath seuerall
tymes beaten this deponent on shipp board
for endeavouring to hinder him the sayd Edwards from purloyneing wine
and other provisions of the sayd shipp in the night tyme, And
this hee saith was and is notorious and knowne to severall of the sayd
shipps company And further hee cannot depose/.

To the 7th hee saith saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot
more fully depose thereto./

To the 8th hee saith hee heard the sayd Edwards confesse that hee had
some pipe staves laden aboard the sayd shipp at New England and that
they were transported for his Accompt to the Mederas but the number of
pipe staves or what hee was to pay for the freight of hee knoweth not and saith the
sayd Edwards had alsoe at the Maderas some wines (but the quantitie hee
knoweth not) laden aboard the sayd shipp for his accompt, which were