HCA 13/71 f.620v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.620v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second hee cannot answer for hee came not into the shipp before
her coming to New England as aforesaid.

To the third and 4 hee cannot answer, seeing negatively for his part

To the 5th hee saith hee well knew her the said Edwards and whitfeild
from New England the said voyage for 6 only monethes or thereabouts
during which space Edwards was Gunner and Whitfield carpenter of the
said shipp; And saith 50 s is usuall wages for a Carpenter in such
a voyage, and the like for a Gunner. And otherwise hee cannot answer, saving
as aforesaid.

To the 6 hee saith hee cometh requested by mr Bushell and mr [?how]
to testifie the tenth in their cause, and otherwise negatively for his part

To the 7th negatively for his part and otherwise hee cannot answer

To the 8th hee saith hee expecteth his full wages due to him for the
said voyage, and by the said Captaine was promised his full wages
but hath had noe treatie with other thereabouts, and otherwise saving
as aforesaid hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories in the second place [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first it concerneth him not./

To the second hee saith hee hath served about seaven monethes in
the said shipp the said voyage, and saith that at Jamaica about a yeare
serve hee this examinate hung up by the wrists at the yard [?XXX GUTTER]
of the shipp Talent, for buying eleaven barralls of powder,
And otherwise negatively.

Repeated before the two Judge in Cort



The 11th of March 1656/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined on the sayd allegation



Thomas Wetherall of Ratcliffe in the parish of Stepney
and County of Middlesex late steward of the shipp the Negro
aged fifty nyne yeares or thereabouts a witnesse sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlict.

To the first article the sayd allegation hee saith hee this deponent went
Steward of the shipp the Negro the voyage in question and thereby very well
observed that the arlate Samuell Edwards and Roger Whitfeild the voyage
in question were much given to drinkeing and tippling
and often laye on shoare drinkeing and tippling at Alehouses and this
deponent hath often seene them come from on shore drunk or distempered
and overtaken with drinke in such a measure that they were not able nor
fitt to performe their dutyes on board the said shipp In which drunken
humours saith they did very frequently give evell language to the
Captaine of the sayd shipp and otheres of her company and did for the most part
whether drunke or sober (of this deponents knowledge) behave them selves very
stubbornly and disobediently towards the sayd Captaine and refuse to
obey the sayd Captaines Commands in their places and imployments, and this
deponent hath observed that when the Captaine hath Commanded the sayd
Edwards and Whitfeild to doe worke according to their places about the says shipp
they (especially the sayd Whitfeild) have soe soone as ever the Captaine was
gone upon his necessary occasions given over their work and fallen to drinking