HCA 13/71 f.619r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.619r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 9th of March 1656.

The Lyon and Providance aforesaid}

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.

Rp. 5

Thomas Preston of Ilford in the County of Essex
Merchant aged 21 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and
exámined .

To the first and second árticles hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
the producents James Bridgeman, Thomas Preston and company, and
saith they were the time arlate (and at present ought to be) the true and
Lawfull owners and proprietors of the shipp the Lyon and Providence arlate
and of her tackle apparell and furniture, and for such commonly accounted
which hee knoweth going out the voyage allegated, husband of the said
shipp by appointment of and on behalfe of the said owners. And
saith shee was within the said time namely about thirteene monethes since
set out from this port on a voyage for Ginney, thense to goe to the
parts of the East Indias, thense to dantzick and thense to this port
all on a trading voyage, and that the arlate Alderman William Thomson
and Maurice Thomson tooke an hundred and fiftie tonnes of the said
shipp to freight, and laded the same tonnage with goods for the said
coast of Ginney for their account owne account, to be there bartered or sold for gold, and the said
shipp arived at Cormantine, and there most of the said goods were
bartered away accordingly.

To the third article hee saith and deposeth that the factors who were
in the said shipp had and received aboard her at Cormantine aforesaid
for the account of the said Alderman and Maurice Thomson a quantitie
of gold for the said goods there sold, but the quantitie thereof hee knoweth not,
but hath heard and beleeveth that it was ninetie five markes one ounce
and six angles, and the said factors were in quiet possession thereof
aboard the said shipp on the high sea when shee came to or neere Cape Lopez in her
way for the said parts of East Indias where the same was to
be invested in goods for theise parts.

To the fourth article hee saith that there were alsoe at the said
time of the said shipps company coming to or neere cape Lopez
aboard her for the account of the arlate James Bridgeman Thomas
Preston and company owners of the said shipp in gold and goods to the valew of nine
hundred or a thousand pounds sterling or thereabouts, which hee
knoweth being husband of her for the said owners and one of the persons
aboard the said shipp in whose custody the same was.

To the 5th hee saith the arlate Lionell Skinner had alsoe gold
and goods aboard the said shipp the said voyage at or neere Cape
Lopez, which were alsoe to have bin caried to and invested into goods
in the parts of East India for theise parts, but the quantitie or
valew hee knoweth not.

To the 6th hee saith that there were alsoe gold and goods aboard
at the time of the said shipps comming to or neere Cape Lopez for the
account of private Adventurers subiects of this Commonwealth to
the valew of three thousand pounds sterling or thereabouts, which were alsoe to have
bin carried to and invested in goods in the parts of East India for theise




Thomas Preston


Thomas Preston, eld. son of Isaac, woodmonger, b. in
Botolph's Aldgate, 9 May, 1632.

Isaac Preston, second son of the same, b. in same parish,

10 Dec. 1635."[1]


Primary sources




PROB 11/345/8 Will of Thomas Preston of Saint Olave Southwark, Surrey 02 May 1674
  1. Jump up A register of the scholars admitted into Merchant Taylors' School : from A. D. 1562 to 1874, vol. 1 (Lewes, 1882), p.175, viewed 17/04/14