HCA 13/71 f.611v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 611 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: P1140472.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2012/12/20 | |
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Edited on 17/04/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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this deponent went the said voyage in her to the said time and place
and sawe the premisses soe done, and happen.
To the fourth article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
besides the said gold soe taken in for the use and account of the said
Alderman William Thompson Maurice Thompson and company, there
was a quantitie of gold, goods and merchandizes aboard the said shipp at
the said Cape to and for the use and account and belonging to the said
James Bridgeman, Tomas Preston and company her said owners,
but the valew thereof hee cannot depose, the same being taken in by
Nathaniel Ewens, who commanded the said shipp before this deponent
(who succeeded in that command upon his the said Ewens his death) to and s[?XXly XXX XXXX] of her.
The premisses hee deposeth for the reasons aforesaid.
To the fifth hee saith that the arlate [?Lionel] Skinner had alsoe
gold and goods at the said Cape aboard the said shipp, which were
alsoe to have bin carried to East India or parts thereof on trade, but
the quantitie or valew thereof hee alsoe knoweth not.
To the 6th hee saith that over and besides the premisses hee this
exáminate at the said Cape within the said time had áboard the said
shipp the Lyon and Providence for áccount of himselfe
and John Morgan and other freinds in gold, goods, merchandizes, clothes and
necessaries to the valew of five hundred pounds sterling,
, which such said gold and goods of this deponent
and said company were alsoe to
have bin carried trucked and disposed in the parts of East Indias, and
that they were and are subiects of this Commonwealth and the
said gold and goods were upon private adventure.
To the seaventh, eighth and nineth articles hee saith and deposeth that
within the time a foresaid and while the said shipp the Lyon and
Providence soe remained on the coast of Guiney in a trading voyage
in a peaceable manner and condition, and had all the said gold and goods
(soe taken of in for the parts of East India) aboard her,
shee was there met with by two dutch
shipps the one called the Mary of Amsterdam and the other the
unicorne of Middleborowe, both under the command of John
Scrawla a dutchman, and commonly said and reputed to be a
subiect of the States of the United Netherlands, which said two
dutch shipps in an hostile manner in or about the eleaventh of September last attacked and set upon the said
shipp the Lyon and Providence, and by force and violence mastered and
took her, and seized her˹said lading and possessed the same and
utterly dispoiled and deprived her master and company of and owners
of her and her lading, and carried her away, together with
all the papers bookes and writings belonging to the said shipp
her master and company and further, which hee knoweth for hee this deponent
was then master or commander of her (the said Ewens being dead)
and sawe the premisses soe donne, And saith the said shipps the Mary