HCA 13/71 f.603v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 603 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: P1140456.JPG | |
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Janet Few | |
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2013/03/17 | |
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Edited on 28/12/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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two first dayes after the sayd Jeggles his first arrivall neere Oport the
sayd Jeggles if hee had not bin ignorant of the port but had done as hee
ought to have done and gone under command of the Castle as hee afterwards did and not kept out
at sea hee might have obteyned the helpe of a pylott over the barr, soe that this
deponent verily beleeveth his ignorance to be the originall cause of all the
delaye of gaineing the sayd port of Oport
To the 7th hee cannot answere for that hee went noe further in the sayd shipp
then from London to Lisbon Oport and Barbados in all which tyme
there was noe scarcity of victualls in the sayd shipp
To the last hee cannot depose
Repeated before Dr Godolphin
Baldwin Waters [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The first of June 1657
Examined on the sayd allegation
Edmond Cowse of London merchant aged thirty seaven
yeares or thereabouts a witnesse sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that the articulate James
Cowse and this deponent in the yeare one thousand sixe hundred and fifty fower employed
a shipp called the Anne of London to goe from this port of London to Oport
in Portugal and thence to Barbadoes and thence to any port without the
Streights mouth and soe back to London, and did treate with and hyre the articulate Daniell
Jeggles to goe Master of the sayd shipp the sayd voyage who tooke upon him to be
the Master and did professe him selfe able to performe the office of Master
of the sayd shipp for the sayd voyage, And the sayd James Cowse and this deponent did agree
with the sayd Jeggles to pay him five pounds a moneth for every moneth hee
could bee upon that imployment hee goeing to the sayd port of Oport and thence
to the Barbados and thence to such other ports and places as hee the sayd James or
his factors or Assignes should direct this hee deposeth for
that the sayd agreement was made betwixt the sayd James Cowse and
this deponent And hee the sayd Jeggles, as alsoe for that hee this deponent went Supracargo of
the sayd shipp and her ladeing outward ladeing and had the care of
and disposition of the sayd shipp as to the ordering of the whole voyage by the
consent of the sayd James Cowse And further to this article hee cannot depose
To the 2 article of the sayd allegation hee saith that upon or about the sixth of
November one thousand sixe hundred fifty fower the sayd shipp the Anne sett sayle
from the downes bound for Oport and on the seventh day of the sayd moneth
towards evening the sayd shipp came upon the Coast of Portugall, and in the
morning of the next next day the sayd Jeggles not knowing whereabouts upon
the Coast of Portugall hee was, did overshoote the entrance into the harbour
of Oport and sayled on till noone that day, and then takeing observation found
him selfe to bee neare the entrance into Avero and about tenn leagues to the
southwards of Oport, which hee found not through any experimentall knowledge
of his owne (though as hee sayd hee had once before at Oport) but only by the
helpe of his Wagoner and makeing the observation aforesayd) And thereupon hee sayd
Jeggles endeavoured to sayle back towards the barr of Oport and haveing fayre