HCA 13/71 f.598r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.598r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


knoweth that in the moneth of November 1655 arlate there were
at Burdeaux (beside one tonne of ffrench wine there laden aboard
the sayd shipp for Accompt of her Company) laden aboard her there
for Accompt of the arlate Neavin and Company nynteene tonnes of
french wine, every tonne of the sayd whole twenty tonnes then worth
in this deponents Judgment and by common repute at Burdeaux) the
summe of thirty sixe pounds sterling, And alsoe saith there were there
then laden aboard her for Accompt of the sayd Neavin and Company
(beside the wines aforesayd) lookeing glasses Ribbons hatts earthen ware
and some vinegar and other goods worth in his this deponents Judgment and or hee
conceiveth and beleeveth forty pounds sterling at least, and there were alsoe
ribbons and earthen ware for accounte of the sayd shipps company, all which goods
being soe laden the sayd shipp sett sayle from Burdeaux and therewith
bound for London derrie in Ireland and by the way upon the Coast
of ffrance neere the seames was mett with by two ffrigots Brest men
of warr (of Which ffrigotts the arlate Adrian Vandimon Swert and Jacob
Johnson Governer, wer Captaines) upon the twenty fowerth day of
November one thousand sixe hundred fiftie five and by the sayd
Captaines and their Companyes (not withstanding the yeare betwixt
England, and ffrance) violently seized and shee and all her sayd
ladeing being then on board her carried into Brest in Brittanie
and there disposed of according to the will of the sayd seizure and
the arlate Nevin Kerr and Company spoiled and dispossed thereof
And saith in his this deponents Judgment the sayd shipp and her
tackle and furniture (beside the goods aforesayd seized in her) were at her
seizure worth about a hundred and three score pounds sterling
her rigging being of this deponents knowledge then the most part of it new
and shee a strong shipp built but a five yeares before her seizure And
further to this article hee cannot depose

To the 3 hee saith hee being of the shipps company as aforesayd knoweth
that the sayd Neavin did at the sayd shipps departure from Bordeaux leave
in this deponents custodie a chest (the key whereof hee alsoe left with this deponent)
in which Chest was of this deponents knowledge a suite of Cloathes
and some linnens as shirtes and handerchiffes, which upon seizure of
the sayd shipp were taken away by the seizers which Cloathes and linnen
hee beleeveth and in his this deponents Judgment were well worth tenn pounds
sterling at least And saith the sayd Neavin did at the same tyme leave
with the foresayd Kerr the Master of the Speedewell some money but
how much hee knoweth not which as hee beleeveth was alsoe lost upon the
sayd seizure And saith hee alsoe knoweth that the arlate Kerr had
on board the sayd shipp at her seizure a parcell of beere for his owne
Accompt worth seaven or eight pounds sterling and cloathes bookes and
sea Instruments worth in this deponents Judgment above seaven pounds
sterling they being all good and many of them, all which were lost, by as
alsoe were the cloathes and other Adventure in wine and other goods belonging to the
shipps company by reason of the sayd seizure and the sayd Neavin
Kerr and Company, and the shipps company pillaged and despoiled
thereof and this deponent and the rest of the shipps Company after they
were brought prisoners to Brest were turned out of the shipp the Speedewell
and after some few dayes sent thense to Morlaix And further hee cannot
of his knowledge depose but saith hee hath heard that Monsieur Senterre
Governour of Brest did by his officers in behalfe of the ffrench King
take the tenth of the sayd shipp and goods notwithstanding the peace
betwixt ffrance and England./