HCA 13/71 f.595r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.595r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


áway upon that occasion; and saith that all this charge was to make
her navigable, and fit to goe sea, and that shee was not thereby made soe
good as shee was before immediately before such her bilging.

To the sighth hee saith that upon the said disaster most of the said shipps company quitted
the said shipp, and said they would bot proceede further with her, whereupon
this deponent was constrained to come to a new composition with them
and the rest and to give them a monethes wages extraordinary and more than first
they were agreed with for.

To the last hee saith that the premisses soe happening, this deponent
went to a Notary in [?Moirmonstier] to cause an attestation to be made
thereof, and, the said Notary drew up the said attestation, purporting
the storey or relation of the said premisses, and read it over
to this deponent and severall of his men, and promised to deliver
it in an authenticall forme to this deponent, but having bin in the
interim threatened and terrified by the said monsieur du daisné and his confederates,
the said Notary at length refused to deliver it to this deponent, and
said hee durst not doe it for his life through feare of them, who
hee said had the command of the Iland under the duke, and
did there what they li[?XX]ed, and that hee had his imployment from them
and that mr daisné had commanded him not to deliver it, for
that it would be a discouragement to the place and discourage
other shipps from coming thither.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

Eleaz Le Marchant [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 10th of March 1656 [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of henry Clarke}
Merchant against So[?u]den and others in a}
busines of Assurance touching a losse}
to the ffortune of Leith.}

Rp. [?X X] cop. 1

Thomas Hicks of London ffishmonger aged 39
yeares or thereabouts sworne before the right
Worshipfull John Godolphin doctor of lawes one of
the Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie
and examined upon certaine Interrogatories ministred
on the behalfe of the said henry Clarke saith and
deposeth as followeth, videlicet.

To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that hee well
knew the shipp the ffortune interrogated at her last being at the port of
Leith in Scotland, where hee saith mr henry Clarke interrogated (whom hee
well knoweth) was in or about the moneth of August last of this deponents
sight and knowledge, and there laded and, caused to be laden aboard her five
hundred deale boards upwards and above fourtie tonnes of casks, and alsoe severall brasse
kettles and other goods and merchandizes, namely Coopers tooles, [?cann]s,
platters, and other commodities, all which hee knoweth because hee sawe the
same soe laden.

To the third Interrogatorie hee saith the said deale boards, caskes, kettles and other
goods were and are laden for the account of the said henry Clarke, who
was the true and sole owner and proprietor thereof, and to him alone they
belonged, and were to be transported in the said shipp to the Barbada's, and there
to be delivered to his brother Robert Clarke to whom they were consigned,
and in case of his death before the shipps arivall, to be delivered to mr William
Bates, for account of the said George Henry Clarke, and there they were to be
disposed of for the use and proffit of the said Henry Clarke, all which hee
knoweth being present with him in Scotland and helping him to buy some of
the said goods, and acquainted with the buying and paying for them all, and this