HCA 13/71 f.578r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.578r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The twelfth day of ffebruary 1656/

Examined on the allegation on the behalfe of the sayd Goslin

Batson against Gosling)
Smith ffrancklin Suckley)

Rp EA 4us

Lovewell Luckett of the parish of Saint Olave Southwarke
Mariner aged twenty two yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that the voyage in question
was a voyage to Greeneland for the catching of whales and that the arlate
Richard Maundry and Edward Gosling were two of the cheife Mates of the
Owners Adventure of which the arlate Thomas damerell was Master
for the voyage in question, the premisses hee deposeth being one of the Company
of the sayd shipp in the sayd voyage, and haveing the halfe stereage of a harponeeres
shallop belonging to the sayd shipp committed to his care by the order and
appointment of the sayd damerell, And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 2 article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee cannot depose hee not bee (sic)
present when any such order as is arlate was given by the arlate Batson or
Beane or any other the imployers nor having seene any order in writing to the effect arlate./

To the third article of the sayd allegation hee saith that in the moneth of
June 1656 (the certaine day hee remembreth not) the arlate Gosling and
Maundrie and this deponent and the rest of the Owners Adventures Company
brought the sayd shipp by the appointment of the sayd damerell the Master
neere Bell Point, and (in this deponents Judgment) within about three
or fower leagues of the sayd Point, but which way the Port then boar hee
remembreth not And hee saith that when the sayd shipp was brought
soe neere the sayd damerell went on board the shipp arlate of which the
arlate Mr Pybus was Master (the sayd Pybus his shipp and alsoe the
shipps of which Mr Golding Mr Welch and Mr Child were Masters being
then alsoe all in Company togeather) and this deponent helped to rowe
the sayd damerell on board the sayd Pybus his shipp and waited upon
him with the sayd boate till his comming away thence and having made
fast the boate to Pybus his shipp went alsoe on board her
and thereby knoweth that after the sayd damerell had in a while in
Company with the sayd Pybus and the other Masters hee came out of the Cabin
and went up into the fore shroudes of the sayd Pybus his shipp and after
hee had there taken a view hee came downe thence and speakeing to
the sayd Pybus or others of his Company sayd to this effect that hee
thought it was fitt to make the shipps there fast to a great peece
of Ice which laye at a little distance of and these speeches passed in presence of this
deponent and others of the sayd Pybus his Company, and then the sayd damerell
went againe into the sayd Pybus his Cabbin and what the consultation
betweene the sayd damerell and the other Masters was hee knoweth not bit saith
that soone after the sayd Pybus his shipp sett sayle off from wards Bell Point
to sea ward, and the sayd damerell still continued aboard her, and the arlate
Maundrey and Gosling and the rest of the Company of the Owners Adventure
seeing the sayd Pybus his shipp make too put to sea and the sayd damerell
still continew on board her did togeather with the other shipps in company follow
the sayd Pybus his shipp for some howers (but how many hee remembreth not