HCA 13/71 f.576r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 576 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 28/12/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1140401.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2012/12/28 | |
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Edited on 27/12/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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part of them dammaged by wett receaved and would as hee
beleeveth have bin more dammaged if they had bin kept aboard the
sayd vessell and not put ashoare, And saith soe many of the goods on board
the sayd shipp as are mentioned in this deponents foregoeing deposition
were put into the hands and Custodie of this deponent and Mr Peter
Probye and the arla Interrogate James Cowse hath since receaved an
Accompt from this deponent of the receipt and disposall of them in
manner as in his foregoeing deposition is declared And further
cannot answere/
To the 5th and 6th Interrogatories hee saith that Saint Lucar is a fitt port
to repayre a shipp in, and materialls for that purpose are there
usually to bee had, but some tymes at deerer rates than at other
tymes, and saith that when the John and Elizabeth laye there to bee
repayred materialls were scarce and deere, And saith that hee
this deponent did furnish the said Keene with moneys to repayre
the sayd shipp and for other his necessary expenses and port charges
out of part of the proceeds of the goods brought thither by the sayd
Keene for Account of the sayd Cowse upon as moderate termes
as moneys was there then lett out, but at how much per Centa
hee at present remembreth not, and what moneys this deponent
soe furnished the sayd Keene with, the sayd Keene did by
writing under his hand oblige him selfe to pay the same againe
at London to the foresayd James Cowse And further hee cannot
To the 7th Interrogatorie hee saith the shipp Interrogate went after shee was
at Saint Lucar repayred, went thense full laden with goods for England, but
the quantitie of the goods hee knoweth not, And further to this
Interrogatorie hee cannot answere saving hee saith hee verily
beleeveth hee the sayd shipp gone had bin in great
danger of perishing if shee had attempted to goe with the sayd
Cowse his goods from Saint Lucar to Santa Cruz without being first
repayred and that the mariners would not have proceeded
in her thither And further hee cannot answere/
To the 8th hee cannot answere/
To the 9th hee saith hee hath credibly heard and beleeveth that a shipp
did runne fowle of the John and Elizabeth before her comming into
Saint Lucar and that all her company save the Master and his Mate and
a boy thereupon left the John and Elizabeth and went aboard the other shipp
and came noe more aboard the John and Elizabeth And further saving
his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere/
To the 10th Interrogatorie hee saith hee very well knoweth that the Interrogate
Keene did endeavour to get new Mariners at Saint Lucar to goe to the Canaries,
and this deponent did alsoe doe his endeavour to assiste him therein, but they