HCA 13/71 f.56r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.56r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the tenth article hee saith that whilst the shipp the Endeavour
arlate was in the service arlate, namely in or about the moneth of
November last was truelie the moneth, the arlate Myles Pyle and company
from Dartmouth sent up the letter arlate (containeing the advice mentioned
in the said article of the said shipps safe arivall at Bilbao) to him this
deponent to London, with order to repaire to the arlate Samuel Andrews
and to showe him the said letter and to give him notion of the said shipps
arivall at Bilboa in safetie, and to demand of him the first
six moneths freight due for the said shipps service, and this deponent
on the same day or shortly after the receipt of the said letter namely on or
about the 28th of November 1654 went accordingly to the said Mr
Andrewes and spake with him on the Exchange London, and acquainted him
with the said letter which this deponent had in his hand, and with the contents
thereof touching the said shipps said arivall; and demanded the six
monethes pay according to his said order, but the said Andrewes
understanding the date of the arlate William Cookes lettre,
answered that it was dated the day before the expiration of the said six
monethes, and further said that hee had received notice other wise of the
said shipps safe arivall at Bilboa or to that effect. And otherwise
hee cannot depose, saving the said Andrewes refused to make
payment to this deponent the said freight of six monethes,
because (as hee declared) the letter was dated a day before the full
expiration of the said sixe monethes.

To the eleaventh article hee saith that the said shipp arived at
Plimouth after the premisses namely in or about december 1654
as this deponent was then informed, and as Mr Andrewes acknowledged
to this deponent, who confessed that hee had notice from John Nichols
a merchant of Plimouth of such her arrivall there. And saith that
on or about the 12th of december 1654 this deponent sent his servant
to the said Andrewes to demand of him to keepe of the said Pyle and
company the said sixe monethes pay for freight of the said shipp, and
the said Mr Andrewes (as this deponents said servant retourne him
word) made answer that hee had received intelligence of the said
shipps arivall at Plimouth and had given order to Mr John Nichols
of Plimouth merchant to receive her homeward lading and to pay
the master freight and for the said shipps imployment. thereby to [?ease]
himselfe of the moneths pay and to give accomodation to the owners
as is arlate and soe much hee alsoe said and acknowledged to him this deponent And otherwise cannot depose.

To the 14th hee cannot depose.

To the 15th hee referreth him selfe to his foregoeing deposition and cannot
otherwise depose.

Upon the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producent.

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee cometh required to testifie the truth by Mr Cooke
the procter of the said Piles and company, for which hee sometimes doeth
businesse by way of Commission, and hath noe other relation to them
nor was on the voyage in question. And that hee can write and reade English
and ffrench, and reade dutch.

To the 2 negatively for his part, and cannot otherwise answer.
