HCA 13/71 f.563r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.563r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


deposition and to the lawe And further cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

To the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie the truth of
his knowledge in this cause being required by one who came from the
producent to that effect and saith hee hath received
five shillings toward his losse of tyme and hinderance of his
labour attending to be sworne and examined and expecteth what further
charges hee shall bee at about this his attendance
and was a labourer aboard the Lighter the Ellen and Anne the tyme Interrate And saith
that of his this deponents sight and knowledge the Thomasine and Alice
was not thrust upon the lighter aforesayd by any other vessell
but rann willfully upon her as aforesayd And further cannot answere

To the 2 hee saith the dammage predeposed of was done neere new crane
which is a great way off of Billingsgate, and that the tyde was but
newly turned of ebb and thereby but very weake tyde of ebb, and
saith it was in Mackerell tyme but there was roome sufficient for
the Thomasine and Alice to have passed by and missed the sayd lighter
if the sayd Thomasine and Alice her company had pleased to doe as
they were desyred, And saith that after the Thomasine and Alice
had ranne fowle of the lighter the Ellen and Anne as aforesayd
and done the dammage aforesayd, an other vessell came downe
while the Thomasin and Alice soe lay fowle of the sayd lighter
and ranne fowle of the Thomasine and Alice but not till after the
Thomasine and Alice had done the dammage aforesayd And further
hee cannot answere/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/
the marke of the sayd

John [MARK] danies [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The 23th day of ffebruary 1656/ English style/

James Cowse against daniell Jeggles}
Suckley Smith}

Examined upon an allegation dated the 18th of
ffebruary 1656 given on the parte and behalfe of daniell

Rp. Jus

John Mansfeild of Saint Olaves Southwark Mariner
aged twenty two yeares or thereabouts a wittnes
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth/

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee this deponent went with
the arlate daniell Jeggles the voyage in question, and did thereby observe that
hee behaved him selfe that voyage like an able sea man and one fitt to bee
a Master and Commander of a shipp And saith his this deponents father went alsoe with him that voyage and
hath alsoe gone severall other voyages with the sayd daniell Jeggs wherein the
sayd daniell went Master and Commander of the shipps hee went the sayd