HCA 13/71 f.552r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.552r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


shipp tackle and furniture sold unto him, to ffrancis Ellison the
bill made unto him for another quarter part, to Samuelll
Piggot the bill made unto him for another quarter part, and
to ffrancis ducket the fourth bill made unto him for the other
quarter part of the said shipp tackle and furniture, which said four bills
being soe signed and sealed by the said ffrederick ffrans[?en] and
by him delivered to the said foure respective persons then and
there present, hee this deponent set his name to the back
of each every of the said foure bills, as a witnes of the said
sealing and deliverie, and soe did Cornelius da Gelder and
Jacob Verbeck, two other witnesses thereto alsoe present,
there sawe the summe of two hundred and fiftie pounds sterling
or thereabouts in ready money told out and paid to the said
ffrederick ffranson in part of the summe contracted for,
for the said shipp, and for the rest (or most part thereof)
this deponent sawe the said Mr Bruyn[?inck] (who paid the
foresaid moneys in the name of himselfe and the said other three)
give bills of exchange to the said Cornelius da
Gelder (who received the said summe paid downe, by the said masters
order) to receave alsoe the rest upon the said bills, which
were bills of exchange for moneys payable to the said mr
Bruyn[?inck] in this citie, and by him assigned and transported
for the further payment for the said shipp. And further
saith that hee well knoweth the said John Bruyn[?inck], ffrancis
Ellison, Samuel Piggot and ffrancis ducket, and that
they are all Inhabitants and Merchants of the citie of London, and Merchants
of the same, and commonly reputed subiects of this commonwealth.
And ( otherwise (saving hee referreth himselfe to the said bills of
sale, which hee beleeveth to be true and reall) hee cannot depose.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin



The 13th of ffebruary 1656. [CENTRE HEADING]

Claime of ffernandez aforesaid}

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.


Gifford Bala of London Merchant aged 50 yeares
or thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the fifteenth article of the said allegation and to the Pollicie of
Assurance therein mentioned and nowe showed unto him this examinate
hee saith and deposeth that the arlate Antonio ffernandez Caravajall
did in his owne name and with generall words by Pollicie of Assurance
dated the 21th of March 1655 cause to be assured upon the goods
laden or to be laden aboard the said shipp the Irish Marchant at
all or any of the Canary Island to London the voyage therein mentioned