HCA 13/71 f.54r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.54r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Captaine Richard Langford Captaine or Commander of the Elizabeth and Anne aforesayd and officers
others of the Company of the sayd shipp, saye and confesse that the sayd 37 butts
and 5 caratells and 3 quarter Rolls of Currants predeposed of were bought and laden aboard
the sayd shipp Cesar for the use and Accompt of the arlate William Williams and
company And further to the article hee cannot depose/

To the 15th article off the sayd allegation hee saith that he the arlate Clement harbie
did in the presence of this deponent and others severall tymes acknowledge that hee
had receaved and laden aboard the sayd shipp the Cesar the like quantitie
of curranse for the use of his principalls as is predeposed to
be laden aboard the same shipp for this deponents principalls, and further to this
article hee cannot depose./

To the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee was only a supracargo or ffactor to
the sayd Williams and Company for the voyage in question, and hath noe other
relation to them or any of them, And saith hee knoweth that the sayd William Williams

John Langley Samuell Moyer James Wiche, and Captaine Richard
Langford aforesayd and noe others have have right or tytle in the curranse in question
And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answer otherwise than negatively
for his part./

To the 2 hee saith that by reason it was agreed betweene this deponent and the sayd
harbie that hee the sayd harbie only should goe in the shipp Cesar to Petras to
buy the currannse contraverted (though they were formerly contracted for as is predeposed by this deponent) present not nor was not present at the sayd Harbies buying or
lading of them and therefore cannot of his owne knowledge depose anything to this
Interrogatorie, but only what as aforesayd was told him by the sayd Aron Estes who this deponent sent in the sayd shipp to the intente afore declared./

To the third Interrogatorie hee saith hee was never at Lepanto or Vestira Interrate
nor anywhere else in the Gulph of Lepanto nor bought any curranse there
in the tyme Interrogate nor knoweth whether the sayd harbie were ever at
Lepanto or Vestirha or bought any curranse there And further hee cannot depose./

To the 4th he saith hee hath bin twice supracargo off a shipp and was supracargo
of the Elizabeth and Anne aforesayd the voyage in question and made soe by the sayd
William Williams John Langley Samuell Mayer and James Wych And further
to their Interrogatorie hee cannot answere otherwise than negatively./

To the 5th hee saith that the name of the person hee this deponent humphrey hardwick
sent in the shipp Cesar to take care and charge of the curranse in question
was by name Aron Estes and noe servant of this deponent but Masters mate of the
shipp Elizabeth and Anne aforesayd And saith that as touching his dyet and
passage in the sayd shipp cesar Cesar it was concluded and agreed betweene this deponent and