HCA 13/71 f.548r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.548r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 7th Interrogatorie hee saith that hee beleeveth that there passed
discourse betwixt the interrate Mr Chillingworth and this examinate to the
effect interrogated, and that this deponent as hee beleeveth did or might
answer him as is interrogated, and more full to that effect, for hee saith
it being his endeavour that everyone there should beleeve
the said goods to be belonging to Spaniards hee this examinate said as much
as hee could to induce any with whom hee discoursed thereabouts (which
was with many soe to beleeve, but all was in colour only and
to preserve them to mr ffernandez.

To the 8th hee saith that the said exported lading was at the
canaries sold for sixteene hundred pounds (sterling) or thereabouts,
and were sold to soe many persons that hee remembreth not all their
names, but some hee doth, namely Don Simon de Herrera, don Christoval
de Alvarado, and don Bernardo de Armand[?aris], of whome alsoe hee
bought part of the said goods soe laden as aforesaid for the said mr
ffernandez account at Teneriff, and the rest of others, some with money
and some upon truck for some of the exported goods. And saith the
foresaid wines and hides soe laded at Teneriff by this deponent
for the said ffernandez as aforesaid cost sixtie five thousand Realls
(accounting eight Reals, to a peece of eight) or thereabouts

To the 9th article hee saith that hee referreth himself to his foregoeing
deposition where he hath satisfied the same./

To the 10th hee saith hee beleeveeth that the said John Balhache was not
present nor as hee beleeveth privie to the writing or
subscription of the said letters, but saith the said John was this deponents
servant as aforesaid, referring himselfe to his foregoing deposition, and
went in noe other qualitie but as this deponents servant or apprentice.

To the eleventh hee saith that at the request of the said mr Painter, this
deponent caused the said first letter or second schedule of those remaining
in Court to be written, to the end to colour the goods therein mentioned
by making them seeme to be belonging to Spaniards, and this deponent
beleeveth they are belonging to the said mr Painter, but what the said
Mr Page hath owned or refused to owne or sweare hee knoweth not, and
otherwise saving his foregoing deposition, hee cannot answer.

To the last hee saith that the interrogated Robert hunter bought of this
deponent two pipes of wine (which were laden aboard and as hee
beleeveth brought home in the said shipp) and paid for then at Teneriff, and that the said hunter was
to let mr Page have them, Mr Page paying him
sixtie pounds sterling for the same,
and then the said mr Page should [?XXXX] for that sum of money, he saith the mr hunter
gave an obligation, and that the said hunter had some hides
and some tobaccoes aboard the shipp for his owne account, but
howe many hides, or howe much tobaccoe hee knoweth not.

Repeated before the two Judges in Court
26th January 1656/

Juan Lopez de miranda [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]