HCA 13/71 f.543r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.543r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 12th day of ffebruary 1656/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined on the sayd allegation./

Rp EA. 7th

Richard Bennett Esquire an Inhabitant of Virginia but at
present liveing in London borne at Wilscombe in the County
of Somersett aged 49 yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this
deponent and the arlate Phillipp Ewers and one Captaine John Whittie and the producent Watts being
in Company togeather upon Wednesday the eleventh day of this Instant ffebruary
and they having some discourse togeather touching the voyage in question and
the sayd Phillipp Ewer did then in presense of this deponent and the sayd Captaine
Whittie and the producent confesse and acknowledge that hee did Cause bills
to bee put upon the Exchange London giving notice thereby to such as
it concerned that hee would bee gone and proceede upon the voyage in question
before the end of October one thousand sixe hundred fifty fower And
that notwithstanding his setting up his bills to that effect his shipp the
William of London was not cleered at Gravesend out of the searchers office
there till the eleventh day of december the sayd yeare 1654 And further to
these articles hee cannot depose./

To the 3 hee cannot depose

To the 4th and 5th articles hee saith that at the tyme aforesayd and in presense of this deponent
and the sayd Whittie and the producent the sayd Phillipp Ewer upon occasion of discourse
as aforesayd touching the voyage in question did alsoe acknowledge and confesse that
after his shipp was soe cleered at Gravesend hee went thense to Lee Roade and
there laye at Anchor severalll dayes his wife being with him shee having
as hee sayes some Kindred thereabout which shee desyred to visite And
did alsoe acknowledge that while his shipp lay at Anchor in Lee Roade some shipps
did passe thense downe the North Channell into the downes, and sayd that
the reason why hee the sayd Ewer did not alsoe goe through the sayd Channell was for
that hee was not soe well manned as those shipps which passed that way were
and alsoe for that his Pylott who was to Pylott here into the downes did as hee [?the ?sayd ?Ewers] saye
hee was not acquainted with that Channell And further to these
articles hee cannot depose

To the 6th and 7th hee saith the sayd Ewers did the tyme aforesyd and in
presense of this deponent and the sayd Whittie and the producent upon the occasion aforesayd
alsoe acknowledge that hee did in his passage to Virginia the voyage in
question by reason of contrary windes put into ffalmouth and there stay
about a weeks space and that hee arrived in James River in Virginia
the three and twentieth day of Aprill 1655 and not before And further
to these articles hee cannot depose/

To the 8th 9th 10th and 11th articles hee saith hee cannot depose/

To the 12th article hee saith that hee this deponent hath bin an Inhabitant
in Virginia for these eight or nyne and twenty yeares last past and exercised
the trade of Merchandizing there for tobaccoes and other Commodities and
thereby well knoweth that such as have tobaccoes to send for England if
they bee not certayne that a shipp who hath undertaken the carriage
thereof will soone after arrive to take the same doe use after the middle of
March is once past to send the same by any shipp that is then present in



Wikipedia entry: Richard Bennett (Governour)