HCA 13/71 f.540v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.540v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 9th of ffebruary 1656, [CENTRE HEADING]

Goodwin and companye against Saint John et cetera}
Smith ffrancklin}

Examined upon the allegation on the behalfe of the sayd
Lewis and Rodrigues da Souza/


Henry Hickford of Saint Pancras Soperlane London
Merchant aged 38 yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that there hath bin [?and GUTTER]
and is a Common reporte among Merchants on the Exchange London in the [?yeares GUTTER]
1654: 1655 ad 1656 and moneths therein concurring, and since [?there ?was GUTTER]
made and Concluded betweene the King of Spaine and the States Generall
of the United Provinces, that the shipps of warr of dunkirke and Ost[?ende GUTTER]
and other ports of the King of Spaine, being shipps of the sayd King or his
subiects doe and have frequently within the tyme aforesayd notwithstanding the sayd peace concluded betwixt the sayd
King and the sayd States) interrupte divers dutch shipps belonging to subiects of [?XXXX GUTTER] in their voyages
in soe much that they [?dare not GUTTER]
for the most part make any voyage without a man of warr to [?convoy GUTTER]
them, which Interruptions the King of Spaines subiects doe make
by like reporte hee hath heard) upon pretense that they had or have on board,
goods belonging to Enymies of the King of Spaine or at least Contra banda goods and have upon
pretenses visited and come on board the sayd dutch shipps and [?romaged GUTTER]
their holds and taken and carried away out of them what goods they
pleased, and seized some of the sayd dutch shipps and carried them
into dunkirke or Ostend or other Ports and there deteyneth them and
put the Masters of them to great charge and trouble to recover them out of [?XX GUTTER]
hands againe And these premisses they the sayd King of Spaines
subiects have done (as by like Credible report hee hath heard) the sayd
dutch shipps having at their seizure dutch Colours up, and noe
Contra banda goods aboard them, And this deponent hath by like [?XXX GUTTER]
reporte of Merchants of London heard, that severall complaintes [?have GUTTER]
bin made to the Spanish Embassador resideing at the hague of the
sayd men of Warr of Ostend and dunkirke and other ports of the King of Spaine
their iniuries and abuses offered to the subiects of the States of the
United Provinces in visiting seaching and interupting them in [?the GUTTER]
Course of their voyages, and sometymes seizeing their shipps [?as ?aforesaid GUTTER]
contrary to the sayd Peace concluded, And further saving his deposition
to the subsequent articles hee cannot depose./

To the 3 article of the sayd allegation hee saith that the arlateSshipp
whereof the arlate John de Ketts was Master was Commonly reported
to bee and hee verily beleeveth her to bee a dutch shipp belonging
to subiects of the states of the United Provinces, and saith that [?to GUTTER]
his this deponents knowledge (being one who caused goods to bee then laden aboard [?her GUTTER]
shee was in or about the moneth of October last past laden at London with severall
goods wherewith shee departed in or about the sayd moneth [?XX GUTTER]
bound for dort, or some other Port neere thereabout belonging to the States
of the United Provinces, And saith that in her passage thither (as ?hee GUTTER]