HCA 13/71 f.539r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.539r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


one thousand six hundred fifty fower the sayd Ewers had much stormey
weather and Contrary windes which after that day did much hinder his
passage to Virginia and beleeveth the sayd Ewer after the sayd 12th of
December did doe his indeavour to gett to Virginia soe soone as hee could
and that neglect was in him was before the sayd 12th of december
one thousand six hundred fifty four And further saving his foregoeing
deposition hee cannot answere/

To the 3d hee saith hee knoweth not what tyme the Interrogate Robert ffoxe sett
sayle with the Margarett whereof hee was Master, from Gravesend, but
saith hee beleeveth the sayd shipp arrived in Virginia either upon the same
day or but some few dayes before the sayd Ewers shipp the William did
arrive there And further hee cannot answere/

To the 4th hee saith hee knoweth that the sayd Ewers did stay at
Virginia ffowerscore dayes or thereabouts to take in ladeing of the producent
Walls and other mens, but by reason of his the sayd Ewers soe late
arrivall at of Virginia the most part of the Tobaccoes there were
shipped in other shipps before the sayd Ewers his arrivall by
meanes whereof the sayd Ewers returned thence dead freighted
but to what quantitie hee knoweth not And further cannot answere/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin

[?Lawe] Thompson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The sixth of ffebruary 1656

Examined on the sayd allegation/


Edward Gunnell of Ratcliff in the County of Middlesex Mariner
aged fifty yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first secoind third fowerth fifth and sixth articles of the sayd allegation
hee saith that in the yeares one thousand sixe hundred fiftie fower and one thousand
sixe hundred fiftie five hee this deponent went Cape Merchant of the shipp the
Peter and John for a voyage then made with her from this Port of London to James River
in Virginia and that the sayd shipp the Peter and John came into Lee Roade
bound towards Virginia upon the twenty nynth day of December 1654 where hee
then sawe the shipp William of London whereof the arlate Phillip Ewers was
then Master lyeing in Lee Roade at Anchor, but how longe the
sayd Ewers shipp had layne in Lee Roade before the sayd 29th day of december 1654
hee knoweth not And hee further saith that the sayd Ewers with his shipp, the William
in Company of the Peter and John sett sayle from Lee Roade about
the eighth day of January 1654 and both the sayd shipps arrived in the downes
the tenth day of the sayd moneth and they both sett sayle thense on the seaven=
teenth day of the sayd moneth And further to these articles hee cannot depose
for that hee knoweth not when the sayd Ewers sealed his Charterparty nor anything
nor when hee cleared his
shipp out of the searchers office at London nor at Gravesend nor how longe
hee lay at Gravesend nor when hee weighed Anchor from thense and sayled to
Lee Roade nor what shipps passed by him there into the downes before the sayd 29th of december 1654 saving hee saith hee sawe the sayd Ewers his shipp in the moneth
of October 1654 lye in the River of Thames ready graved
and some passengers on board her and to this deponents Judgment ready to fall